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RE: #PizzaGate Report by Ben Swann Removed by CBS Affiliate in Less Than 48hrs

in #pizzagate8 years ago

so, asking as someone from across the big water, all that hysterical "Hillary and 500 of her friends, the whole dem party is a big child fuck ring" pizzagate is actually

A) nothing
B) a pizza place whose owner might be a pedophile and maybe even a child abuser or
C) just a random occurrence that happens in the dozens every day (you know, like there are people who got struck by lighting twice for example) but is just less prominent

and the worst is that police is not (openly!) investigating a low-chance possibility of a child abuser?

Don't get me wrong, they should look into it, but its still several magnitudes less then the hysteria around it.
There were 2 worse police-not-investigating-right things in a town 40km away from me for example. And even those 2 together won't be "heavy" enough to be reason to so totally out of mind. It's not like the size of the tobacco industry scandal or asbestos.


So you have looked at the random pizza place owners instagram pictures that were downloaded before he set it to private? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and likes to cover itself in blood for a photo shoot then its probably a weird ass duck.

The latest comes out of this undercover sting with DNC supporters who happened to want to meet at none other than comet pizza.

The guy on the right is a convicted pedophile but this is all just a random occurrence ;)

One: Ahem.. no? How should I do that?
Even if they show a bloodbath I don't know what that has to do with Hillary.

Two: So people who "conspire" meet at a typical meeting place? Wow, thats 100% proof of something!
btw is that the same as this?
I think not.
Here Trump supporters conspire in - gasp - a restaurant! seems to be down for whatever reason but I found the below post with a lot of the images. For me the kid with the money in its mouth seemed odd to have on your instagram when you in fact do not have children. The restaurant was just a coincidence but after a while they start to make up a theme. I agree with your comments about the okeefe story having elements of entrapment. Coincidences after a while become a theme.

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