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RE: With The PizzaGate Investigation Going On, It's Time People Learn That The Awakening Goes Deeper Than You Think

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't call a whole lot of circumstancial evidence as baseless.

Circumstantial evidence

"Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference.

On its own, circumstantial evidence allows for more than one explanation. Different pieces of circumstantial evidence may be required, so that each corroborates the conclusions drawn from the others. Together, they may more strongly support one particular inference over another. An explanation involving circumstantial evidence becomes more likely once alternative explanations have been ruled out[citation needed].

Circumstantial evidence allows a trier of fact to infer that a fact exists. In criminal law, the inference is made by the trier of fact in order to support the truth of an assertion (of guilt or absence of guilt)."

What the #pizzagate circumstancial evidence are most strongly pointing at is the classic politics infiltrated by a pedocriminal ring hypothesis. The only other inference which hardly come as any challenge to it is that a bunch of people Inside the Beltway are obsess with food to the point of talking about it in contexts that doesn't make any sense.

Here is an example showing that organized pedophilia at high level of governments is a very real possibility, in case you would be tempted to dismiss #pizzagate as fake news on the basis of probabilities:

Spies Lords and Predators UK - Special Investigation 60 Minutes


You are mistaken. There is no evidence and that includes circumstantial. There is plenty of conjecture though.


an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

Two e-fits images matching almost to perfection two brothers to a one man sighting?! Wait a minute, something is not right here, the Wikipedia article has to have it wrong.

What is this Operation Grange?


"In the law, testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact."


"A witness is someone who has, who claims to have, or is thought, by someone with authority to compel testimony, to have knowledge relevant to an event or other matter of interest. In law a witness is someone who, either voluntarily or under compulsion, provides testimonial evidence, either oral or written, of what he or she knows or claims to know about the matter before some official authorized to take such testimony.

A percipient witness or eyewitness is one who testifies what they perceived through his or her senses (e.g. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching). That perception might be either with the unaided human sense or with the aid of an instrument, e.g., microscope or stethoscope, or by other scientific means, e.g.,a chemical reagent which changes color in the presence of a particular substance."

Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

Smith sighting

"Another sighting of a man carrying a child that night was reported by Martin and Mary Smith, on holiday from Ireland. Scotland Yard concluded in 2013 that the Smith sighting offered the approximate time of Madeleine's kidnap.

The Smiths saw the man at around 22:00 on Rua da Escola Primária, 500 yards (457 m) from the McCanns' apartment, walking toward Rua 25 de Abril and the beach. He was carrying a girl aged 3–4 years. She had blonde hair and pale skin, was wearing light-coloured pyjamas and had bare feet. The man was mid-30s, 5 ft 7 in – 5 ft 9 in (1.75–1.80 m), slim-to-normal build, with short brown hair, wearing cream or beige trousers. He did not look like a tourist, according to the Smiths, and had seemed uncomfortable carrying the child.


E-fit images of the Smith sighting, released by Scotland Yard in 2013"

See any resemblance to the Podesta brothers?


I do see a resemblance and as I said at best pizzagate is a call for an investigation. I really hope you don't think what you presented here anything that qualifies as evidence and directly supports the claims being made by pizzagaters. It's called conjecture.

  • The emails aren't suspicious and require a 4Chan decoder.
  • The existence of a few pedophiles in positions of power in the UK is not evidence that all politicians across the globe are.
  • There is a resemblance and I'm sure a few hundred thousand other white men resemble those images as well. Is there anything else to support this hypothesis? I suppose scotland yard and the FBI are in on it too right?

That the emails aren't suspicious is itself your own baseless conjecture. They are suspicious as hell because they do not make sense in ordinary english.

Emails are suspicious as hell - no logical person would word conversations like that. I owned a pizza shop for 16 years and would never communicate like that. I also worked in big business and never communicated like that regarding food. I would also suspect you are not capable of reasonable logic or you work for mainstream media (soon to be known as legacy media). Emails are more than enough for me to warn all children to stay clear of these people. If those sketches are real that is unbelievable - I need more proof on those they could be planted to shut down alt news sites for getting something wrong. No speech should EVER be censored even if a threat. I am glad the Clinton Foundation fraud will take the Clintons down. I also need more proof that the brothers were a mile away from the girl that went missing at that time. If mug shots and them being in same region prove true all people should stop doing business with these guys immediately and extreme investigations should involve retrieving all emails, voice mails and computers used by them in their entire history. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Clinton's and Podesta's are sick people full of crimes including murder. Clinton's would hire murderers whereas Podesta probably capable of doing his own killing.

A likeness to a CGI image is not evidence in itself. You don't have an eye witness naming and pointing a finger at the Podestas. Stop pretending.

If that same witness were to come forward now and started naming them as indeed being the men you might have something of the quality you are pretending. My original statements remains factual.

I am following this "story" on Steemit for quite a while now and the reason and sense you display to deal with such an amount of BS is quite impressive. I really don't know how you can keep calm and carrying on, faced with so much bs :)

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