
My reply to this video is above, under other replies to @gizmosia whose contributions are considerable. Thank you again !

@ebryans my understanding is that, were he to have ever left the embassy, Sweden had already said they could not guarantee him safe passage. Sweden would hand him over to the US.

But before any passage, the likelihood of him being murdered is/was 100%.

This is why he stayed.

Either he has been murdered or he has been spirited away to a safe house.
He hadn't released all documents yet. He warned he was going to.

I think parties friendly to the new Trump administration have taken him to safety. Look to Erik Prince & his private army or the usual suspects ;-)

His unreleased documents are needed by Chaffetz et al in the Clinton Foundation investigations.

Jordan, Chaffetz et al would not want to start anything before Obama leaves office. To prevent pardoning.

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