It's not a bloody photo of James Alefantis.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Photo of James Alefantis from Washington Post

This has been bothering me for quite some time, especially when I hear, see YouTubers, bloggers and others whose work I respect and follow, repeating something which is not in my opinion, based on factual information. Especially during these times of what has become an all out information war, I feel that it is critical that we correct the record when and as we are able to do so. Otherwise, very well meaning people may unwittingly be feeding into and perpetuating misinformation and disinformation that those who seek to control everything use as their 'proof' of "fake news" being disseminated by alternative media. 

***Please note that for the purpose of this post, I am just focusing upon a fragment of the information which we have at hand and it is not at all my intention to defend people involved nor acts that may be determined to have been criminal in nature at some time in the future.***

It has been repeated by many people and sources that this is a photo of James Alefantis. 

That in my opinion is not a photo of James Alefantis. As I wrote in my first blog, The Cage Inside Comet Ping Pong, it's

" of the infamous photos posted on Instagram, this one by drag queen Ms Summer Camp.  As you can see it's indicated that it was taken on Halloween 2015."

When you look at the photo the location is stated to be at Comet Ping Pong and Ms. Summer Camp posted it with this comment: 

mssummercamp Hello...its me. *drag *dcgays *beardeddrag *blood *halloween2015

So, since Ms. Summer Camp says, "Hello...its me." I'm going to take that as the truth unless someone has concrete information to the contrary. 

Although Instagram does not date the comments when they are posted, there appears to have been some recent discussion on this particular photo:

I have copied and pasted the dialogue from the photo on Ms. Summer Camp's Instagram formatted for ease of reference. Please note that I have had to change hashtags to asterisks as I was over the limit for this Steemit post.

mssummercamp Hello...its me. *drag *dcgays *beardeddrag *blood *halloween2015
jaxknifecomplex You're a heathen but I still love you
god.tier.gravy.v2 @jimmycomet I'm 6 and you seem hot af
mssummercamp @god.tier.gravy.v2 REALLY?? you're a moron.
god.tier.gravy.v2 @mssummercamp one question if ya don't mind though. Was the blood just for Halloween?
mssummercamp @god.tier.gravy.v2 Thanks for asking. Yes, it was a 1AM performance for friends on Halloween.
arthuredens07 What does "girlwiththemostcake" mean? You used to have that as a hashtag in this photo.
randomjap *pizzagate *jimmycomet *cometpingpong🍕🍕🍕
mssummercamp @arthuredens07 I never removed a hashtag. *girlwiththemostcake is a lyric from Hole's song Doll Parts. What seems to be missed by many people who are obsessed with this pizza conspiracy is that there is what you *think* you see and what is actually in the picture. This is from a Halloween performance. Maybe folks don't like the subversive nature of what performers are doing but there is a lot of symbolism and commentary on social constructs that warrants subversion. Hence: blood, doll parts, and abortions to comment on the intentions of anti-abortionists getting swept up in hysteria about shutting down Planned Parenthood, when that organization is vital for the health of many women -especially low income women who can't afford cancer screenings and birth control elsewhere. PP cannot be viewed solely as as an "abortion clinic." Not to mention its completely legal and just for a woman to make her own health choices--whether others agree or not. That's what this picture is. It's not about made up stories of satanism, child abduction, sexual abuse or pedophilia.

Source as of January 2, 2017 @

I may not resonate with his lifestyle or what he says are performances and the "subversive nature of what performers are doing", definitely not my cup of tea to say the least, but to Ms. Summer Camp's credit at least he does answer questions when asked rather than running and hiding as others have done. As to the truth of his responses only time will tell.

I also certainly do not personally agree with Ms. Summer Camp's comments that Planned Parenthood provides vital and necessary services for women of low income, especially when there's a lot of information and research into that entity's origins as a front for the eugenics agenda courtesy of its creators Margaret Sanger, Bill Gate's father and friends. In present day, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Bill Gates  and others whom in my opinion do not have our best interests in mind, "are happy to sing its praises." (See James Corbett's "Planned Parenthood Exposed") However, that is Summer Camp's opinion which he is entitled to express as I am entitled to express mine. 

In addition, until we have substantive evidence for what Ms. Summer Camp says are "made up stories of satanism, child abduction, sexual abuse or pedophilia" in relation to Comet Ping Pong specifically, anything else is opinion and conjecture. May we continue to ask questions in our search for the truth and proof of any criminal acts committed.

Please note that when I had taken another screenshot of that photo on November 30, 2016 there were two other comments which are no longer there, have apparently been removed. This confirms for me the importance of taking screenshots of whatever may give us reason to pause and question during our research as we may want to come back to it in future when other information comes to light.

jimmycomet Sex
kimholleman What's the cage for?

Amongst the many questions that remain, is it real blood in the photo? When I took another look at Ms Summer Camp's Instagram I noticed this post from what appears to be March 21, 2016. Given this, there is a possibility that the blood in the photo in question may be artificial.

If you happen to visit Ms Summer Camp's Instagram just beware of the #pizzagate bait he's purposefully posted with a number of images to possibly incite angry responses. I personally choose not to engage with that as it just gives him, them, more energy, feeds the beast so to speak and by doing so we enable it to continue. You can read the comments here if you like.

Another photo which I have seen and heard being referred to as one of James Alefantis is the one with the man wearing the  J'❤️ L'Enfant t-shirt.  

That photo was posted by James Alefantis aka Jimmy Comet on his Instagram but it is not of Alefantis himself. The fellow wearing the t-shirt is Christopher Lynch who is the co-owner with Jim Ball of L'Enfant Cafe & Bar in Washington, D.C. 


Washington Blade photo by Michael Key from the article, Boom-time for L’Enfant by Mark Lee dated February 18, 2014.

A national “Top 100 Brunch” among 14,000 Open Table  venues, the weekly Saturday reservation-only “La Boum” early-afternoon  booze-and-breakfast  “house party” with DJ fills 60 interior table and  bar seats. With either  Lynch or Ball as emcee behind covered windows, guests are exhorted to  celebrate debauchery.  “We’re pretending our parents are away for the  weekend and we have the  keys to the liquor cabinet,” Ball writes on the  business website. An  acclaimed Sunday “Speakeasy” cabaret supper club  featuring drag  performers from New York, Las Vegas, Berlin and London is  on hiatus.


Another image which I had also included in my blog, The Cage Inside Comet Ping Pong is the poster using one of Ria Pratt’s paintings which appears to advertise one of Sasha Lord Presents Comet Ping Pong "All Ages" music events with Teenage  Aviation, Teen Mom and Title Tracks slated to perform. At the time of my first blog, I had sourced the image from a Red Ice TV video discussion about Pizza Gate. 

Following communications with someone I trust, I added the following disclaimer to my blog which provided for me an explanation as to why I was unable to find the original poster image on the internet after multiple searches:


I will repeat the next section of what I had written in my first blog as it still stands for me...

Please be aware of the massive amount of misinformation and disinformation which is being pumped out onto the internet which in my opinion is being purposefully planted in order to discredit the people's open source investigation of #PizzaGate as an integral aspect of the ongoing coverup of rampant child sexual abuse and paedophile rings. It is critical that we be diligent and fact check absolutely everything. Otherwise we are unwittingly adding to the already huge body of muddy waters of misinformation and disinformation that's out there and being used to substantiate the 'fake news' damage control psyop.

I so understand that this can be, is a very difficult and emotional subject to delve into, especially when the deeper you go down the rabbit hole the much darker it becomes. We know that what was quickly named Pizza Gate ((By whom I wonder? Was that meme waiting in the wings to be inserted into the narrative?) is not fake news and as such we must strive to maintain the integrity of our continuing investigation as we gather as much verifiable information as possible. I'm certainly not infallible and I urge all of us to do our best not to jump to conclusions especially when we are in an emotive reactive state. It might take a bit longer when you step back to take a break before diving back in again, but it will be worth it in the end.

In my opinion, the amount of attention and push back Pizza Gate is receiving speaks to the veracity of the many issues raised of great, far-reaching importance which we are investigating. Please be careful out there as you continue all of the wonderful work you are doing to shed light on the dark deeds that are being perpetrated upon innocent souls in myriad ways throughout the tangled worldwide web of corruption and crimes against humanity and this Earth.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke


Excellent post! Read it and then went exploring your cage post which I had not really took the time to acknowledge before. I wanted to add a cage-related comment there but since your post is more than a month old I was not able to. Strange that with this wonderful blockchain technology at our disposition, the life (interactions) of a publication on Steemit would end after a month. Not sure if Resteeming it would bring it back alive, though...

Anyway, I will put it here.

On the tranformer web site's Collector’s View 2014/Images section, there is a picture (third one) showing what I believe is an art piece created by Louise Bourgeois that belongs to Tony Podesta.

VIEW 1: Tony Podesta - Kalorama
Sunday, April 6, 6-8pm
Tony Podesta invites Collector's View guests into his home to see newly installed photographs, paintings, and sculpture by artists including Ilit Azoulay, Louise Bourgeois, Beatriz Milhazes, Thomas Demand, Anna Gaskell, and Petrina Hicks.

My best guess would be that it's one of the artist's ''enclosed installation works she referred to as Cells'':

While in her eighties, Bourgeois produced two series of enclosed installation works she referred to as Cells. Many are small enclosures into which the viewer is prompted to peer inward at arrangements of symbolic objects; others are small rooms into which the viewer is invited to enter. In the cell pieces, Bourgeois uses earlier sculptural forms, found objects as well as personal items that carried strong personal emotional charge for the artist.

The cells enclose psychological and intellectual states, primarily feelings of fear and pain. Bourgeois stated that the Cells represent “different types of pain; physical, emotional and psychological, mental and intellectual… Each Cell deals with a fear. Fear is pain… Each Cell deals with the pleasure of the voyeur, the thrill of looking and being looked at.”

Google Image search for Bourgeois Cells

The Cell in question (notice the mirrors):

Thank you so much for your reply and that further information. I know, I do not understand not being able to comment after 30 days especially since there is often key pieces of the puzzle that will be dropped into the comment section sometimes a few years later which I find really assist with research. I can see and agree with a 30 day limit for editing but feel rather strongly that the comment section should be left open. I wonder who we would approach about that on here?

Interestingly about the cage, I had saved this image from that same Transformers Event:

The overlaid type at the lower left hand corner of the photo reads:

"Photo by Tony Powell. Transformer Collector View IV, at the home of Tony and Heather Podesta. June 13, 2010. Mark Rebholz reflected in a sculpture by Louise Bourgeois." Source:

This is a link to a photo of David Brock and James Alefantis at the Transformer Collector View IV at the Podesta house: Huh, I just noticed the "smug mug" in that link. How appropriate as that is why I'm not posting the actual image as I'm really tired of seeing that smug mug.

Interestingly I was researching something else earlier and there was a mention of Bourgeois so I just went back to retrieve it from the Voat archive: LeChevalBlanc coments, "Sick artist Louis Bourgeois seems to have a deeper secret than her father's taking his mistress to live in their family home and her mother committing suicide. She wrote an autobiographic piece called "Child's abuse"."

Thanks for the reply and your finding. I wanted to take the time to give you a lengthy and worthy answer, and was about to do it tonight, but something came up:

I meant mirrors in the sense of mind control (first interpretation of this video; for lack of a better spontaneous finding for a simple explanation):

I got you right away. Cells (Cages) + Mirrors = MK Ultra, Monarch or other programing was my first thought with the shattering of the psyche, dissociation and the compartmentalisation of alter personalities. I also see this symbolism clearly depicted, at least for me, in the photo I posted above with Mark Rebholz. Rebholtz is apparently the Marketing and Events Director for Mobile Futre. Comparing the two photos it looks like the same fellow to me.

Are you following George Webb's videos on YouTube? I am and because of that when I saw the description for Mobile Future I cursed, "Oh damn, not another thread in the tangled web!" I am actually playing catch up at the moment with George's work as they keep connecting dots for me so I pause to follow a few threads and then the night is gone!

Here is the description for Mobile Future from the same link above:

"Mobile Future is an association of cutting-edge technology and communications companies and a diverse group of non-profit organizations, working to support an environment which encourages investment and innovation in the dynamic wireless sector. Our mission is to help inform and educate the public and key decision makers in business and government on the broad range of wireless innovations that are transforming our society and the nation’s economy."

p.s. Thank you for sharing that very good and concise video which I just watched now. Yes indeed mirrors can be used for portals and to summon not nice beings. Mirrors can also be used as a form of protection, to deflect not so good energies if for example, you turn one to face looking out the window.

Yes, I follow George Webb's work on YouTube, but I haven't watch all of his videos. Lots of dots connecting he does. Now, I'm a starting to see the bigger picture of the Clintons & al.'s corruption.

The more I read into this the less I believe in it. Don't get me wrong, I am not doubting for a second that there are people in positions of authority that abuse children, not even doubting Hillary could be involved and all them people.

The problem is this Satanism stuff that just seems to be there in order to provoke, and then it appears the single origin all of this was wikileaks and those emails from Podesta. Wasn't Julian Assange the one who said he exposes real conspiracies unlike the 911 truthers or something like that?

I hear you. I think that people of interest like Summer Camp are purposefully referencing the potential satanic ritual aspect of the child abuse by people as being ludicrous, which mirrors what's being put out by the controlled msm, since it is the primary thing that people have the most difficulty even beginning to consider. Thus it feeds into the whole plausible deniability, fake news narrative of what I consider to be damage control in the orchestrated coverup of what we feel are interconnected worlwide child trafficking rings. Information is being collected in support of this. You will note that Summer Camp wasn't asked about satanic ritual but he chose to go to that script. Given the photos and comments on them with references to blood and sex along with the videos of Majestic Ape, in my opinion one has to consider the possibility of satanic ritual abuse. From my experience researching down this very dark rabbit hole for a number of years now one would be remiss not to.

I'm not sure but the picture of the guy on the right (beard, bowtie, no shirt) in the J heart L'Enfant looks like the guy in the top photo (covered in fake blood)...not James Alefantis

I had taken a look at the identity of the fellow with the black bowtie and mentioned it in my Cage blog. It is not the bloody #beardeddrag queen Ms. Summer Camp. The two fellows with Christopher Lynch have been identified as Washington rugby players by the research folks at Voat. This is the excerpt I had included in my Cage blog:

"The man in the picture has been confirmed to be a guy who plays rugby in Washington, and is not convicted paedophile Michael Quinn."
"There's a very good chance this could be a dead end, as people have found the mysterious man on the right of the photo could be Ian Pope, a Washington Irish rugby player. Here's the comparison."

You can read the discussion about this at Voat here:

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