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RE: Happy to report The Investigate Pizzagate War Chest Reached $450 and GROWING

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

you know I'm an ancom right?

They are the same ones that let 21k starve to death a year
kill them and be over with it

for $100 you can could easily kill 100 capitalists and save thousands

protesting is fucking useless actually use your money intelligently buying t-shirts just gives them more power lmao

you are too emotionally involved with a certain group of children I'm not even convinced exists in a pizza shop to actually help anybody anymore


Actually on this particular issue I do not believe protest is useless- and for the record I share some of your views.

Here's why I believe a demonstration is a required step in this process. First of all I do believe that if enough people show up and demand change it will indeed happen- see Bastille Day. Second I believe that this issue is so vile to most that if they are presented with facts and actually willing to evaluate them that they many will have no choice but to join demands for justice.

Now let's pretend that this were to grow to millions of people protesting and yet still nothing happened. Well then we've done all we can to act peacefully and we then take it to the next level and use violence to dislodge the government and deliver justice. I have been prepared for that sort of scenario for some time now and certainly do not dismiss it as an option that may very well have to be executed BUT we have to get a reasonable number of people supporting that sort of revolution in order for it to be 'justified' and generally accepted.

I feel obligated to exhaust all reasonable and peaceful avenues before I declare war but make no mistake I will do so if that becomes the only option.

All that being sad this election has brought about a civil war within our government- one side being the 'deepstate' the other being what I will refer to as the White Hats. This isn't a Trump endorsement- I believe he was brought in to platy a certain role- remember he's an actor and entertainer and the White Hats aren't dummies- they knew he would make a great candidate and making sure a deepstate candidate wasn't elected was what the WHs needed to do to make sure they could execute their plan of weeding the deepstate vermin out.

This is why Podesta emails were leaked in the first place by the White Hats- they knew that their best shot for getting the people behind weeding the deepstate out was show that many in the deepstate are complicit in what most consider too be particularly vile crimes.

I predict Trump will resign before the end of his first term- perhaps even before the end of the year (take note that the Mrs isn't even bothering moving into the White House) after his role has been accomplished and the White Hats have restored the organic Constitutional Republic- pizzagate arrests will be the first domino to fall in that process. This is why it's so critical- I actually firmly believe that once investigation/arrests occur that a sequence of events that historically speaking and in hindsight, will be seen as the liberation of humanity.

revision doesn't work

"First of all I do believe that if enough people show up and demand change it will indeed happen"

you mean they will find a way to easily hide it from the public? They still collect metadata on everything we do even with protests

we have to take out both government and capitalism it will never change lmao

also I'm still 99% "pizzagate" is just a distraction put on by the government so we dont see the actual bad stuff going on lmao

Oh I believe capitalism is obsolete and eventually will be taken out and money will be obsolete as well- but that cannot be done in one fell swoop without resulting in the death of billions- baby steps first.

Once people see the truth and have the real opportunity to realize what they truly are then we will be on our way to being able to live peacefully with one another without need for a government*- but again that cannot be done overnight without dire consequences- at this point most simply cannot handle the self disciple required for peaceful anarchy to prevail- they must first realize what they truly are and see the value in the golden rule.

I do however believe that on a planetary basis we do need some form of government or collective voice/defense- not against one another but instead to our many ET galactic neighbors who we shall all very soon be introduced too. So I'm not taking some NWO BS- I'm talking about an entity that represents humanity/ Earth in our dealings with other species from other star systems.

But again this all must and will occur incrementally and I believe that planetary awareness of the psychopathic satanic pedophiles and stopping their crimes against humanity, is the first increment in achieving that.

Oh and pizzagate isn't a distraction- they know it will usher in their demise- this is why they are fighting it so desperately. It's very real and again it's the first domino to fall that will reveal many others that are even more bizarre and deranged.

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