Origins of the Bloody Raven: I am Mintauru: Part One – The Karasu

in #piratesunday5 years ago (edited)

1 P
My personal Shrine to 10th Dan Master of Katori Shinto Ryu Sensei Sugino

”Black birds tend to like shiny things.”

Himeji Castle license CCO 3.0

The eyes of a hundred of Hideaki’s best samurai followed the dark figure entering the hall of Hideaki Castle. The large white doors close behind her sealing off the unusually early draft of the oncoming winter season but it clearly outlined her feminine black silk kimono in the new evening light.

The monk Fumio flinched as the dark clad figure slowly paced past his place, he discerns the deathly aura from her being “A great Chi of Death fire is upon this woman.” The black Chi is a bad omen unto itself. Uncertain of his interpretation he looks toward his Lord with a nod and concerned expression of warning. Hideaki sees but remained stoic as if certain of his plan.

Kumamoto-jo Castle Interior from Pxhere License CC 2.0

Lord Hideaki is seated on the stage in front a beautifully illustrated wall of his lush productive fiefdom colors that matched the standards bearing his Clan Crest, and positioned around him. His wife Masako sat by his right and his young sons Koichi and Kenji on his left along with their sword bearers.

There is a pair of men also facing their new guest with utmost caution, the only trusted men to bear the katana, his personal Bodyguard. The mediator sat situated between the bodyguards also bore a Wakizashi blade.

The woman in the black kimono patiently approached the Lord and stopped at her designated place before the Lord. And in typical Samurai manner knelt and then bowed in respect.

The Mediator pointed his fan to the crest on his shoulder as to speak for his Lord, “I am Nori the mediator please identify yourself and state your business.”

The woman removed her mask revealing her pale porcelain complexion, darkened lips and eyes. She appears foreign and that explained the feeling of contempt by his samurai ranks. Her tone was neither submissive or demure as expected of women but like that of a confident warrior, “The Lord Hideaki sent for me, I am Teshine Mintauru the adopted daughter of the blind Swordsmith Kobeyashi Mintauru and samurai brother Takeshi Mintauru. I am also known as the Karasu.”

”You Samurai are so full of yourselves…” ~ Zatochi, the Blind Samurai

The samurai in the hall erupted in jeers and hackles; because of the reputation of the Karasu was a bane and embarrassment upon the samurai of Hideaki in recent events over the year. Though no samurai have been killed so far the mischief of the Karasu it has escaped their retribution of honor in the face of the public. Up to this point whose identity was largely unknown and was only identified as a painted silhouette of a bird and a message on walls near a scene of a witnessed and unpunished crime.

Lord Hideaki raised his hand to quiet his samurai. “I have requested the Karasu to be here. If this man did not come he would be either coward or a myth, but she is here and has shown proper respect but also demonstrate her courage and confidence of a skilled warrior, her actions alone are testament to justice for no one acts this way unless it is to see justice done.”

One unfazed and agitated Samurai recognized as Yuici stood up, “I demand my honor, and this night vermin has dishonored me before my fief village so I demand a duel that she doesn’t deserve!”

“Captain Yuici, we meet again. I hope the silver Bu you gave that village girl was more than enough to inconvenience her after you and your friends brutally raped and left her for dead. ” Her eyes never left Lord Hideaki’s, “Only with permission from the Lord.”

Hideaki appeared amused for a moment and directed his attendants to provide a pair of Katanas. The samurai vacated the center of the hall except for the Captain.

Something in the left bowl,

Glaring at the Karasu, Captain Yuici tucks his Katana though his obi and awaits his opponent, “You do not even deserve a samurai duel for you are a vile criminal but only because you amuse my Lord! And I will see that the Mintauru name remains ronin and dishonored.”

Fumio was further startled as her Chi grew and took on a dangerous characteristic like tendrils around the unsuspecting Captain Yuici and quietly muttered, “She is Shinigami! Captain Yuici is as good as dead.”

Mintauru stands facing Yuici, fits her mask back on and secures her fan in her obi. Without further word she waves off the Katana offered by the attendant. “I have no need for the sword.”

Yuici shouted, “You do not even deserve to hold a Samurai’s weapon, now die!”
“Don’t underestimate me. I am familiar with your ‘useless’ Reki Kekkai style.”
Enraged, from his ‘Shin No Kamae’ stance the Captain charged plunging his blade towards her chest.

Her dark form appears to split in two in an instant before the blade could find it’s mark. He made an instinctive horizontal slash to the left purchasing nothing but fleeting cold shadow. As he swung his blade to the right shadow he felt a vice grip upon his wrist pulling his momentum and center off balance.
His wrist twisted in pain instantly forcing his hands to release his weapon.
He felt his left arm almost wrenched from his shoulder.
The next instant he found himself awkward on the floor without his sword.
As he sprang back upon his feet only to feel the edge of his own sword sliding across the left side of his neck.

Wide eyed, he clutched at his neck in horror.
There was no blood, his men stood silent.
The Karasu exclaimed, “Like before I decided to spare you as I only used the blunt edge of your blade. There will not be a third time.”

“Hai!” Lord Hideaki slapped his knee and grinned pleased with the result. “Lady Mintauru, I wish to retain your services as special warrior and I offer your Father free of taxes for twenty years, and the promise to restore and preserve the Mintauru name back in it’s place of honor.”
Lady Mintauru turned towards Lord Hideaki, knelt, and drew open her black fan, “I am sure we can come to terms.”
“A little gift, and recompense for what my thoughtless samurai have treated your Father and Uncle,” With a smile Lord Hideaki reached inside his Haori jacket and tossed a decorated package to the Karasu.


My Samurai Money

US Dime added for size comparison.
Japan 1853 to 1856 Obverse Kaei One Gin Silver
一朱銀 : one shu silver

Reverse 定 guaranteed 常銀 Ginza (Silver mint) 是座 Joze (Mint Official)
0.880 Silver 1.88g C#12a, JNDA# 09-55

Japan 1832 to 1858 Obverse Nishu Kin, 2 Shu Gold Tempo Era
Kiri Crest on top followed by ニ朱2 Shu

Reverse 光 Mitsutsugu 次Shozaburo Engraver
0.298 Gold 1.65 g C#18

I hope you enjoyed this article and this aspect of my personal Silver collection, Sayōnara

...And by the way, Karasu translates to Raven.

1. My own photos using Huawei KII-L05 Smartphone
P. Pixabay Vector under CCO
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons


“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


Compelling Story!
Sorry I missed the voter period,
but my auto voter did not ;)

Thank you for your Support with a Wonderful Post and Silver Samurai Money for #PirateSunday .......

Thank you very much @stokjockey どうもありがとうございましたDōmo arigatōgozaimashita

A band Before my time but I can almost draw the connection to Daft Punk.

So... Raven used to be known as Teshine Mintauru? She was adopted.... I wonder who her real parents are. I love the Samurai money! Another great story in the making, sis @kerrislravenhill!

There's a whole back story to this too. Her original parents are Grigory and Anna Menine of Khazaria so there's a lot of ground to cover over 400 years of life as a Taska Menine the Night Walker under Giovanni Auditore Da Firenze to Teshine Mintauru under Kobyahashi Mintsuru to Lady Tricia McMillan esq.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you kerrislravenhill! You've just received an upvote of 63% by thejollyroger!

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Thank you, but I rushed this out before it was ready.
So sorry. ごめんなさい Gomen'nasai

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