Who will be the witnesses?

in #piglet8 years ago (edited)

Heading refers to this Nick Cave song, for those who are curious.

Edit: I'm just a bit irked because people are talking about "consensus", while at the same time the power voters have reshuffled the witness list to arrive at a set of witnesses with more compliant opinions. I'm not judging the opinions, just the powerplay. Somehow "consensus" and "powerplay" don't sit well together.


@ocrdu geloof niet in wat je alleen ziet
soms is het niet helemaal wat het echte is ;)

What I see is all I have to work with; if my vision is faulty, maybe a little extra information about the goings-on would help me out.
"If I haven't been able to see further than others, it was because giants were standing on my shoulders", heehee 8-).

The Piglet of wisdom has everyone thinking deeply, again! ; )

Also see edit of post.

It harkens back to Orwell's Animal Farm, where the Pigs say, "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". Piglet knows!

Good job! Thank you for the pleasure!

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