Visualizing Space/Time and Matter/Energy : Introduction

in #physics7 years ago (edited)

Space and Matter don't exist

How's that for a catchphrase!? By my current understanding, Space and Matter are fictions, images generated in our Awareness by Time and Energy. Only Time, Energy and Awareness exist.

I carefully used the term "current understanding" because, in many ways, my concept of the Universe is changing, which is one of the reasons I wanted to present this discussion now, to keep a history of it. I have worked on its current form almost religiously for three decades and even if fundamentally wrong, I don't want all that work to just disappear.

I'll be using Sketchup to point out some concepts. I'm just learning it all over again, so it might slow things down at first, and my images might seem simplistic, but I won't post them unless they display what is necessary and hopefully they will improve over the course of this conversation.

Almost all of my comments will be geared toward the layperson

Those who can understand higher levels don't need me telling them about it (also, they will certainly disagree on technical points which I dispense of with vague hand waving). And I refer to the comment attributed to Einstein, to the effect that if you can't explain something to someone with an average education, you might not understand it well.

As a convention I will use the spatially curved Universe of 10 years ago, not because I don't understand the argument for a more flat Universe, but because it makes my analogies work better. The concepts still work in a flat Universe, but it makes some comparisons harder to see.

I will also be using a simplistic version of Quantum physics, because I will only bring it in for demonstration, not elucidation. Basically what you might learn about it from your Uncle at Christmas with beer and lots of hand waving.

I'll keep the titles the same but add "Episode #n" and first sentence subtitles. That should make them easy to search. Just in case I will add the hashtag #Spacetime

And I fully intend to produce at least one per week, but no promises at this point. The first one will be about understanding extra dimensions and I might do it today.

All images from pixabay or my camera unless otherwise noted.
Please try my Future History stories - Enmity
And my How to be a bachelor series

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