Photos from my phone - Part 1

in #photos6 years ago (edited)

I often feel it's a shame that my phone photos are likely never to be seen by anybody but myself, ever. So why not share the slightly more interesting ones? When they get more boring I'll try to fill in the dullness with some text explanations.

A picture of my dad taking a picture of my sibling

Slightly more boring and less artistic from here on out

In London on the way to Heathrow I saw my third 'Mobike' - one of the crazy bike sharing bikes I've posted about before. Thankfully they haven't plagued the streets of England in the same way, but this one shows how you can even carelessly park it outside of an 'elephone' and still have the business model work to some extent.

One of my last days in England I saw this, and it was a nice reminder of how different the skies in England are, and I suppose, up North in general. You'd never see this in Shanghai, but I did see a remarkably similar one in one of @acidyo's posts when he wheeled himself around Finland.

My cheap-ish suit and favourite tie for a job interview. I wasn't sure if to go full purple or the slimmer, less formal dark red tie, but the silkiness of this tie won me over. Unfortunately the job was not as described, though it was a super posh school - I couldn't sacrifice my happiness for the pay, unfortunately.

The school I went to for an interview as a music teacher. Turned out it was the most expensive and prestigious school in the city and has a reputation as maybe the top school in China. No idea why they even considered me for an interview once I learnt that but hey! Brings confidence. I personally had never seen anything so full of wealth before; swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball and football fields, running tracks - All in one of the most expensive land plot locations on earth; multiple times across the country.

Just a tree that I pass every day that has gotten remarkably big and seems to be enjoying its destruction of the wall. Life will find a way.

I took this one today, the first nice day since I got back to Shanghai 2 weeks ago. This is 'Jing An Temple', considered the heart of the city. For a small fee you can go inside and see all the buddha statues and artifacts, smell the incense and hear the chants of traditional... stuff. Surrounded by huge towering skyscrapers and the sound of angry cars and construction. A nice blend.

This is the 'Cloud 9 Tower', which at night is lit up with various animations of light and text. Located at Zhongshan Park, it's close enough to me that no matter where I go I tend to see it in the horizon, peeking over lesser buildings or through gaps in trees. It has a hotel and a bar and all that junk inside.

One of the best burritos ever but... Today they, what, cut the damn thing in half?? What gives?! I'd complain if they weren't so damn tasty.

I brought back a bunch of unique local cheeses from the Midlands of England. All but one were amazing on crackers. The other one had a smell so rank it honestly cannot be described in words (I really tried). Beyond human rotting corpse. This was truly morbid and I ended up just trashing the whole wheel. I guess it didn't survive the trip or something.


Beautiful pictures you've got on your phone, would love to make use of your favorite tie someday.
And about the local cheese from England... I'm sorry.

It was a sad day indeed =(

The morning after wasn't too pleasant, either

Nature is awasome always looks beautiful!
Cloud 9 Tower amazed me the most.
And for the cheese sorry @mobbs

Lol everybody is focusing on the cheese!

Yeah the tower is one of my favourites but there are some crazy ones here I'll visit soon

It sometimes saddens me to see pictures like the first picture while there are loads of homeless people living under the bridges exposed to the elements. What happens to converting these properties to the homeless shelter?
Funny enough the cars on the street of England reminds me of the fictional character, Mr Bean. This particular one used in his comedy movies.

You find a lot of abandoned properties like the one in the first picture in my country. I don't think the government of the day is willing to do anything about it, only the support of well meaning individual can help revive such properties.

Oh, which country is that?

I'm from Nigeria.

I'm from Nigeria and I can see from your avatar that you're also from Nigeria.

True, 100% Nigerian :)

hermosas fotografías no hace falta tener una buena cámara para ser fotógrafo con un teléfono es suficiente para captar los mejores momentos que has vivido en tu vida este lugar es muy hermoso la naturaleza es maravillosa

I had to translate but yes, context is important for a good shot. My camera phone can be impressive sometimes, too

The photo of the yellow lichen is my favorite.

I want cheese now.

Are these two statements intricately related??

Whichever way is more amusing is the way I meant it!

All are awesome but my fav are school and tower.

School reminded me my own pry school- double storied old ragged and broken building with no doors and windows.

The inside of the school is even more impressive but I figured I shouldn't share those pics =D Your school sounds... interesting!

My favourite if I have one is the tree growing in the wall. I love how nature will overcome. We can build and they will come... but when they go again nature soon reclaims. ..

But cheeeeeeese. Mmmmmm. Which one died?

The picture of "Jing An Temple" reminds me of a scene from the movie; Drangon Tiger Gate. Have you seen the movie? It's an old Chinese movie though

PS: I think I'm also guilty of seeing my pictures alone. Maybe I should get others to see them too

Excellent pictures @mobbs!. Regards.

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