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RE: National Love a Tree Day!

in #photography5 years ago

Noble and stalwart witnesses to the folly that is human civilization!

May they constantly convert our co2 to oxygen despite our habit of knocking them down and not replacing them.

They wait patiently to reclaim this planet after we have managed to destroy ourselves.

There are those among us that love them so and fight for them. There is no humanity without the trees and we encroach upon them but should never win.

All hail @dswigle and the trees!

Posted using Partiko iOS


It couldn't get any more perfect then Rush and the trees. Thank you so much for that because I have absolutely tied in my day with the post. It's true! Who doesn't love trees? I say if you don't love trees then you are not worthy.

Truly a noble and stalwart witness to the folly! Do you really think they're waiting to reclaim? Should we stand firm in the refuse to die?

Alas, I will stand and fight for them for they have proven to me time and again that they will be there for me.

Thank you, as always and the visit is most appreciated!

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