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RE: Art n Thought : Personality And Hypocrite

in #photography7 years ago

In the philosophy I study, we have eight personalities. Each personality has its own way of seeing and acting in the material world. One of the goals in this lifetime is to fuse them together as much as possible. Sometimes it is easy, as they have complimentary aspects that just need to click into place, but other times it is really hard because they are polar opposites. Don't be too hard on yourself if one shines more than the other, this is pretty normal. But don't shy away from the other either. Seek out your other personalities, try to step into them, because each one is an aspect of yourself you keep hidden, and if you bring it to the surface consciously, you will learn amazing things about yourself.


Thanks for your feedback. I interested in philosophy but I don't know why I choose to study engineering haha, and I still searching the "amazing things" about myself. Sometime I feel like I have an disoder because the way I react to the different people. It is not same but if I classified it as a disoder I think theres a lot of people have this disoder. This thing is fun to study and last but not least, thanks again.

I studied engineering as well, so I completely understand. In many ways, spirituality and engineering go really well together, because they are two sides of the same coin. One helps explain the other and vice versa. Don't be so hard on yourself. When it happens, observe it and look to understand why. Once you know that, you will know how to transform it into who you want to be!

Yes it is definitely true. I like this statement

In many ways, spirituality and engineering go really well together, because they are two sides of the same coin. One helps explain the other and vice versa.

Observe and understand is a good way to learn a new thing.

In Kabbalah you would say it is the balance between Chokmah and Binah, where one is Wisdom and the other is Understanding. You really need both in order to master the material world.

What is your philosophy?

I am an initiate of the Damanhur School of Meditation and live at Damanhur. Damanhur is the largest spiritual ecocommunity in Europe and one of the largest in the World. Our spiritual vision includes Spiritual Phyiscs, magic, theurgy, and alchemy. Before arriving at Damanhur, I taught Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry. :)

Just know about the "Damanhur". Its seem like a great placed to live in. Also love this phrase

A laboratory for the future of humankind

And I wanna ask you, what is Sacred Geometry? Never heard about that before.

Sacred Geometry is the study of the shapes that are the building blocks of the universe. Squares, triangles, spirals, pentagons.... the universe is made of many different shapes that stack together to create the complexity of life. Once you understand the meaning of each one, you can decipher the messages hidden within, unlocking ancient knowledge and powers.

I often say that Damanhur is like Hogwart's for adults. You should come visit sometime!

It seems like it is hard to understand, maybe because this is my first time I heard about that.

That would be great if I able to visit Damanhur. I should learn lot of thing there. Already visit the damanhur website, based on the photo the citizens over there looks friendly and nice.

Damanhur is a pretty amazing place. We are not perfect, by any means. We make lots of mistakes. But the great thing is that we support each other in trying. Humans can achieve amazing things when given the space to learn and fail without judgement.

Thats sound interesting because the placed that I was living now, If you make any mistake the society won't stop bashing you.

Which is not useful for anyone! Making mistakes is how we learn new things. If we already know how something works, there is no use in exploring it. The best discoveries coming when you go into the unknown with curiosity. "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." -George Bernard Shaw

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