Lil' Whale-Eye, My Resident Hummingbird (Part I of Many)

Two weeks ago I wandered up to the patio door and found my local hummingbird (aka Mr. Hummington, aka Lil Whale-Eye) perched on my tomato plant’s wire cage. Unfortunately the door’s screen was still pulled shut which makes taking pictures through it impossible. I acted swiftly but with a few body movements as possible and grabbed my camera, which I always keep right by the patio door for precisely these kinds of situations.

I glanced out: the Lil Whale-Eye was still there. Then I very very slowly slid open the screen door, it just needed to be open about half a foot—wide enough to poke my camera through. I opened the door and glanced out: he was still there!
I aimed the camera and adjusted focus. Looked up: the bird is still there!

So I started snapping away for several minutes. I could not believe Mr. Hummington (the general family name I’ve given them) sat there for so long without flying off! I snapped about a hundred pictures.

And in fact, I could have sworn he was looking right at me and playing some games, at times posing...

I have struggled with photographing the magestic beast that is the hummingbird. I have many hummingbird posts from the past. And guess what? There will be many many more. I’ve been hesitant to share these pictures because I’m not sure how to organize them. Right now, I am leaning toward releasing these 3-4 at a time in thematic posts.
Here are some flashbacks:

The Cultivating Garden #12: How to Make Hummingbird Food and Tips on Cleaning Your Hummingbird Feeders

SteemitPhotoChallenge #42, Animal Portrait II. (Entry 2: Stoic Hummingbird)

The Cultivating Garden #14: Watch Out World, Mama’s Got A Brand New Tripod!

The Cultivating Garden #20: The Hummingbirds of Mom’s Garden, Part I

The Cultivating Garden #21: The Hummingbirds of Mom’s Garden, Part II

As usual, all content is original and my own. I take all my pictures with my snazzy Cannon PowerShot SX410 IS.



The pose! So great, it made me chuckle. Those birds have character! Lol

He's got stage presence:)

Great post! The animals like it ;-)
As a reward you get an awww picture: cute_dog_awww

lol:) Thanks and glad you liked!

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