The Cultivating Garden #20: The Hummingbirds of Mom’s Garden, Part I

Upon visiting my mom in California several years ago I noticed she had the occasional hummingbird visiting her garden. So I ordered up some feeders for her. Within only a couple of days of filling them up and putting them out we had visitors and the hummingbirds have not stopped coming since! Every summer when I depart from my own beloved garden and hummingbirds I am warmly welcomed by mom’s garden and hummingbirds and this year was no exception. The only difference now is that I am in possession of a fancy-pants camera and have a Steemit account from which to share the pictures of these tiny-tastic flying-wizards!

Oh, and I have a lot more patience than before. I have no problem standing around with my camera aimed at a feeder for 5-10 minutes at a time awaiting the next visitor—and 10 minutes is about as long as I’ve ever had to stand around in hopes of snapping a shot.

The issue with hummingbirds is that they are so fast that you really have to take dozens and dozens of pictures before getting a good one. As such, the below gems have been plucked from a massive hoard of crummy, blurry photos.



This is an awesome post! In Australia we don't have hummingbirds but I've seen documentaries. It's so cool how it's body is one big blur and its head just sits still.

A bit cute too!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I agree--their itty bitty feet are especially cute:)

They are little tiny little hands holding the rail!

with even tinier little nails!

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