Same Image Different Edits

in #photography6 years ago

sameimagedifferent edits.jpg

It is extremely rare for me to make different edits or versions of an image. I am pretty decisive with my work. I also like to be efficient with my time, and I find it wasteful to create alternates if I am only going to use one of them. I thought I would share this time, because well... I don't know if or when it would happen again.

Here is the original image...actually I think I used it as a behind the scenes in my last post

We were in a garden area beside a parking lot. It wasn't anywhere particularly special.

My first edit is this one.

The reasons I decided to go back and edit it again are firstly because I did not like the white light I put behind her. I felt like it wasn't soft enough for the image. Secondly I have done the standing-on-a-rock-in-the-water thing a lot recently so I wanted to get rid of the whole water idea altogether.

Here is my second edit.

What do you guys think? Did I make the right call by editing it again? Or was the first one better in your opinion?



You have a wonderful work of photography here my dear. Pls I would love to see more of these. I do some pixel artworks too on my blog.

Just took a look. I’m interested to know what program you use for pixel art?

Somewhere in between for me, i like the first background better but without white halo.

Yeah, I did like the first one, I’ve been really into the reflections in water since I learned how to do it. I just don’t want to over do it

It is a lovely effect though

In the first edit, the reflection is the most interesting element imo and the white light is almost distracting. Conceptually the first edit has more.

I’m thinking I might revisit that idea when she has her mermaid tale on

Cant wait to see which filter you use 🙄🤣

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