I call this nature captured in it's moment! You're doing a great job with photography @humanearl, this one's simply awesome! The camera positioning couldn't have been better, everything's just right with it. When i first saw it, for a moment, i felt i was standing right there.. Good job boss. And that's it, i'm saving for a camera!
Yea sure has talent in photography. I wonder what else he's gonna wow us with soon. I wonder who taught him to position the camera that way to get this exquisite view. Lolzz
I think he always had it in him, just never thought of exploring it this much.. And to think this is just the beginning....
@wakkylyon I'm still learning. I have always enjoyed photography. This is just a another way to explore my creativity.
@sistem Hopefully more music and other creative things in the future. I have to keep creating. It' fuel for me.
Oh yes! Please let the music part come soon.. I'll sink in it!
If only I can stop being so busy haha.
Lol.. I think you have time for whatever you want to have time for..lol.. But by all means please, take your time. I'll wait..
Haha. Right. I'm actually working on something now. When it's done I'll share. I'm collaborating with someone else on it.
Even more appetizing... I'll stay tuned..