📌 Fun facts about Crow's intelligence! (Original Wildlife photos and thoughts)

in #photography7 years ago

Ranked #2 in intelligence after Man!!

as the crow flies.png

Flying straight is not the only thing crows are known for. Research over the years has shown that crows even have problem solving abilities!!

A crow is so common in most of the locations I haunt around the world that I hardly bother to even look at a crow - let alone photograph one. In May 2017 though, I had happened to watch an amazing video about Crows and hence, this solitary crow, meditating on a bridge railing caught my fancy and I took this photo with my Nikon P900.

So - what is it about the crows that I found which made me respect this bird?

I happened to watch this amazing BBC video on YouTube that showcases an experiment to verify the problem solving capabilities of crows. It is a very short video and I really recommend watching it:

This Einstein among birds actually managed to figure out the 8 different steps needed to be carried out to get to the prize!

Well - it is not this one crow that is intelligent. As a species, take a look at the following amazing facts about crows:

  • Crows have the largest brain to body weight ration among birds
  • The anatomy of the crow brain is very similar to humans and has a highly developed forebrain, responsible for their intelligence.
  • Crows are very sociable and can co-exist with humans
  • Crows have been tested to be more intelligent that even the Benobo Chimpanzee (considered earlier to be the most intelligent animal after man). Crows have, after the 2004 tests, earned the nickname - Feathered Apes.
  • Crows have their own 'language' consisting of different sounds.

After watching the video above, if you had doubts about that particular crow having been trained for those tasks,
please take a look at following examples of the crows in the real world, solving problems related to their survival.

A crow that uses bait to catch fish!!! (Source: Youtube)

A crow using TRAFFIC to crack nuts!! (Source: Youtube)

These examples are from across the globe and amply demonstrate the ability of the crow to perceive a problem, weigh couple of solutions and execute them to solve the problem.

In conclusion:

Next time you see a crow, please take note and show some respect!!

Steemians, please share your experiences, knowledge and views about Crows. It will be great to get more perspective and a lively dialogue going. Thanks

Note: All images except for the wildlife photo and the title image created by me are from pixabay.com

GIF designed for me by Stellabelle!


Animal lover here. I often see crows in the vacant lot in out backyard
Theyre so BIG like they could carry a cat. They remind me of ducks that walk awkwardly. Theyre creepy and fascinating. They look not really ugly but have a menacing image and croaks. Theyre not the prettiest to see and hear but indeed theyre smart. I can't believe theyre that smrt.
I made an artwork with a dove and a crow.
I might post it soon.

@jacinta.sevilla Thanks for sharing your observations on crows. I would love to look at the dove and crow artwork. Please feel free to let me know when you post that.

Right! You just reminded me. Hehe i will!

That is so interesting, did not realize just how intelligent they were rated.

Pity certain creatures have a stigma attached to them, people turn away instead of asking why. Movies portray this bird in such a bad light it places fear, where love should be found.

It is true that there is a stigma attached to certain animals/ birds. Most of the time it is based on myths. Movies, as you say, project them in bad light and make things worse. Thanks for your observations.

Very cool :):) I always knew crows were intelligent but being ranked above chimps, now that is quite something. Thanks for the info!! Cheers :)

Yes - that was news to me too when I first read about it. Thanks for your taking time to appreciate the post

This is an amazing post Vishwas. The video was absolutely stunning. Cant still believe that the crow's are soo intelligent. Its an eye opener for me and am sure for many others as well. This also shows us not to under estimate anyone in life. Enjoyed reading your post and the video as well. Upvoted and following u as always my friend.
Regards Nainaz

Thank you so much for your lovely observation and comment. Really appreciate your taking the time to read.

Nice information given to us... Actually , its universal truth that crows are thought to be the ugliest bird but now our concept will be changed ..
Upvoted and resteemed..

It is true that people think crows are ugly. We need to always look beyond skin deep beauty. Thanks for your lovely comment. Have upvoted it

That fishing one was particularly Cheever wasn't he!

Yes - I first thought he was only dipping his bread in water. Such a clever son of xxx@# !!


very good post such as, i always appresitate like informative post.you share your personal analytic on crows thats really very good...

Crows never die.
in movie

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