FRIENDSHIP | One of my old photos, maybe the one that i love the most

in #photography7 years ago

Today is about friendship. I guess, the most important thing for all of us, after family and health.

The story behind this shot starts in March 2009, i was photographing a model in an abandoned location (Cantacuzino Palace - and these 2 kids were riding their bikes around. They were very curious about what i was doing and they waited me to finish the session. When i was packing and putting things in my car, they came to me and asked very kindly if i can take a nice picture of them.

"We are best friends, and we want to remember this moment when we will grow up. Forgetting them will make us lose such great things" one of them said. And remember, this were kids of about 10-13 years old.

That made my soul tremor, i realized what friendship really is and true friends should never be forgotten, among with all the nice memories.

I took the photo.


I originally posted it here:

Nikon D324-70mm 2.8

Incercam sa ne adunam toti romanii pe un grup de discord, unde intentionam sa dezvoltam tagul #promo-romania si sa crestem o comunitate frumoasa.
Hai si tu:)


Ce idee frumoasa :) Momentan sunt la birou, dar am discord acasa pe PC. O sa intru si discutam acolo detalii. Multumesc frumos. Ti-am dat si un follow!

follow back! daca mai stii pe cineva invita i folosind linkul pe care ti l am dat!

Chiar eram curios daca e ceva de genul. Banuiesc ca ma pot alatura. :)

Cu siguranta! daca mai cunosti pe cineva raspandeste vestea si linkul:)

nice photo, great story - I see you are on deviant, so am I

Thank you! :)

I gave up on deviantart many years ago. The community seemed to vanish. This is why i am so happy i found steemit.

I am not very active on there, except from time to time I upload mostly artwork for prints (not that anybody but myself ever ordered any, lol) - but one good thing, since I was there for a long time: when years ago I had a total crash of my computer and at the same time lost a external hard drive, deviant was the only place where I could retrieve photos of old paintings from.
Now I am also publishing my "keepers" on Flickr.

I understand. I never used the print service from them because the shipping cost would have been too high (I am from Romania).

Glad to meet you here, hope to see more from you!

I lived in Canada at the time I joined. Am back in Austria now. Got a good printer here in Vienna, sometimes while I wait. Just take the image there on a data stick.

I remember that freedom, it was magical. Rome around on my bike as a kid in the warm summer evenings.
Great achievement to capture that in a single frame!
Cheers, @erlendgroseth

Thanks man! And yes, i remember too. I am very nostalgic for the nice childhood moments

Nice photo! Powerful tones, warm...i like the silhouette 😃 well done

Hey, thanks for the comment :D

Toată viața am fost binecuvântată cu prieteni minunați. Asta poate face diferenta intre greu si usor, între urât și frumos, între siguri sau împreună... Nu trăim degeaba daca ne trec anii alături de oameni minunați...
Fotografia ta spune o poveste frumoasa despre prietenie.

Multumesc mult! Da, prietenii adevarati, si mai ales dupa o anumita varsta (25+), sunt extrem de importanti. Ajutorul pe care ni-l putem oferi reciproc este aur curat. O zi frumoasa!

Frate cred că și pozele de la Cantacuzino de când încă nu era preluat de ruși ar fi interesante. Acum că mă gândesc, cred că un post în care să se vadă bătaia de joc a comuniștilor asupra unei astfel de clădiri de patrimoniu e cel puțin "educativ"

:) Da, locul ala e cu adevarat interesant si e mare pacat de el ca se pierde. Am inteles totusi ca l-au ingradit acum. oare il renoveaza? Sau e ingradit doar pentru "safety". Eu personal nu am mai fost de foarte mult timp acolo.

Ah, acum am dat click pe search-ul de google. Am crezut că ai făcut la Bușteni la Cantacuzino, înainte să-l preia investitorii și să facă ce e acum. Din Micul Trianon n-ai ce să mai recuperezi din păcate. Și Acropole atenian e conservat mai bine deși unu are peste 2000 de ani iar celălalt vreo 100-130 😂

Culorile sunt dementiale. Felicitari, omule! ;) Si povestea, de care se pare ca uneori mai uitam in ultima perioada. Good reminder.

Multumes mult man! O zi frumoasa!

Frumoase culori...deosebit contrastul. Spectacol!!!
Felicitari @victorcovrig!

Multumesc mult de upvote si pentur comment! O zi linistita iti doresc!

Cu mare drag!

I loved your photo and what it means. Friendship heals the soul.

Hey there! Thanks for the comment :)

Very touching story! The photo is breathtaking! The sky is fabulous and you are an amazing photographer.

Thank you so much! <3

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