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RE: Hammonasset State Park CT

in #photography5 years ago

Such gorgeous photos, @jacuzzi <3 I love how clear the water is in the second one, and yet how crisp the freeze-frame is, almost makes the water looks like clear jelly or some sort of static transparent material over the rocks! AMAZING <3

The colours of that plants thingy are really cool, and I also like making rock stacks when I go to the beach XD

Lovely post <3 I really enjoyed this <333333333


Awwwwe Thanks @veryspider !
It took a few photos to lock in that bubbly water shot... and almost one wet phone.. hahahhaa. water does take on a weird life of its own when frozen. :)

Rocks Stacks, YES! If we ever do find our selves on a beach together lets make one HELLA big stack o' Rocks. Its like a sand castle, just instead of very small rocks, we are using VERY BIG rocks... hahaha.

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