Photographers: Get $3 SBD if you sign up for Steem StockPhotos

in #photography7 years ago

Qualified Stock Artists and Photographers

New project announced for image artists and photographers!

Do you take Stock Photos? Sign up for the new program and get some $$!

Please see this post: 📢 Announcing Steem Stock 📸 Photos, 🎥 Videos, and 🎵 Music - the Plan

After signing up, then what?

  1. You get $3 SBD for being a new provider.
  2. Next, stay tuned while we build the system.
  3. We plan to produce a Stock Photo website where fellow Steemians can find your artwork.
  4. Your stock images will be stored and showcased on the new site
  5. Steemians will then be able to search for your stock images
  6. Steemians will use your stock photos on their own blog posts
  7. You get paid a percentage of the payout!
  8. Your artwork will now see a larger audience, and you will get to know the blogging Steemians who need high-quality stock images.

Why? Who needs Stock Images?

Steemians need Stock Images. We all do. The bloggers are constantly searching for "Free" images... or in some cases, any image will do. The choice is often:

  • Questionable imagery (Blogger finds a common image, but is unsure of its origin, uses it anyway)
  • Illegal imagery (Blogger chooses an unlicensed photo, knowingly or unknowingly)
  • Legal imagery (licensed and free photos take time to hunt down)
  • Costly imagery (images are "bought and paid for")
  • Difficult (Bloggers struggle to figure out terms, conditions of licensing and the morality of borrowing an image found on the Web)

Please see A dirty big secret of Blogging on Steem (and my solution to come clean) for more information about why bloggers need stock images.


I keep looking at Benjamin Franklin's eyeball in that image. Does it creep anyone else out, or is it just me? LOL

He's covering one of his eyes too. Probably Illuminati.

Confirmed. Illuminati.

And Fitzgerald was the name of the US warship that was hit by a tanker. And this is Franklin. Those both start with the letter F!


Totally Illuminati! Good catch! LOL

I think this is a great proactive step to avoid getting into some bad situations later. We will see where this goes.

Great post. I have just written a similar post and was pointed to your post by @doule. On my very first day on Steemit last week I found my own Getty stock image being used as an attention grabber in a post that made over $1,000! It was the very first post I read on Steemit. I'm following you, but can't vote yet, because I have run out of power or something. Still trying to figure it all out.

I would like you to name names and if possible, copy and paste the link to the post. You honestly have a copyright claim, or at least, Getty does.

Speaking of that... wow, you upload to Getty?

Here's what I will do. I am going to forward you the 3 SBD. It should be able to help you in a few ways.

  1. First, go to your wallet and look for the balance of "Steem Dollars" convert
  2. Now, click the Down Arrow and "Market" **
  3. In the Market, it's a bit complicated. But all you need to do is "Buy" Steem on the left side. The price will usually be filled in, you type in how much Steem you need (around 2) and it will calculate it. You can now place an "Order" that may take seconds or a day.
  4. You will now have a some Steem, perhaps 2 or 2.5. Remember to wait and refresh your wallet or let it update.
  5. Once you have some STEEM, you can now click the Down Arrow of the STEEM balance and click "Power Up"
  6. This amount will now be locked into "Steem Power" to help voting and other things.

Once you have more value in "Steem Power," you will be able to upvote more. You will have to watch how many things you upvote... do it a wee bit sparingly until you get the hang of it. Also, try typing your username here to watch your "power" percent. It says 42.8% right now...

** This is NOT the only way to convert to STEEM. There is also the "Convert to STEEM" option in which you might be able to convert better, but it takes 3.5 days! I am a bit new, so I don't know which is always the best every time. But most people want this done quickly.

Most people get Steem Power through creative posts, blogs, and comments. But there are giveaways (like this) and contests, too, where Steem Based Dollars are usually given out.

Oops. I'm tired, and I think Idid this all wrong before I saw this post. will try to figure it out in the morning. I just clicked something at thet op that said to convert it or something!

I think you just collected a reward from a comment or post. (It's a green big box)

You'll get it. Right now, you still have "Steem Dollars" and to vote more, you will need "Steem Power." The process is multi-stepped, but I do it from time to time.

Your posts will be paying out and you will get some at that time, also.

I can see your wallet, and you can see mine. It can help to look at someone else's transactions to see how it's done.

I'll be an expert in no time. LOL!

I've been a stock photographer shooting varied material for over 20 years. 1 worked as a staff stock photographer at an agency so had inside knowledge before going out on my own 20 years ago. If you read my Introduceyourself you will learn about my background so that I don't have to repeat it here! I'm very interested in what you are doing. I think I told you on another post that I found one of my images here on my first day last week. I saw another thread where people are gathering images to give away for free, but that won't pay my bills. :-) Again, sorry I can't Upvote yet, as I blew it with my voting as a newbie!!

Yea! I sent you the 3 SBD (courtesy @papa-pepper) and a little bonus from me.


this is so exciting!!! would love to take pics to contribute!

I don't really take a lot of "Stock". I'm willing to share some of my work though. Should I still sign up?


The more professional, the better. Most people in the industry know what stock is used for and how to make it more available for using it out of context. If you take city scapes, I would presume you take some of menacing looking buildings with crazy angles. You probably use photoshop to edit out power lines and re-touch things. You are prepared to lose the ability to say how your photos are exactly used and receive payment for them.

It's not really for the folks who go and randomly take a few pictures once in awhile. It's for those who go and photograph things for clients, for art, for resale as generic stock, and for resale as newsworthy images of current events. Your work would likely be on a website somewhere to showcase your talent. Do you have talent?

I have some talent, but I am definitely a casual photographer. So rather than sign up, I will just include a line in my image credit when I'm ok with them being reused. Is there a tag one could use when posting photos s/he is willing to have used as stock?

You could tag the entire post as #stockphotos (like this post) which will put it in the correct category. Otherwise, make an effort to learn about Creative Commons and how licensing works. Just a made-up tag for permission is not recommended. Many people are using this "CC" followed by numbers and abbreviations for what things are permitted.

Once you choose a CC license, make it clear that your photos are licensed as such.

When the site is up and running, I will make sure this same choice is available and try to steer people towards licensing that permit you to make money from the use of your work.

All major image "sharing" and storing websites permit some form of licensing, although some places have been known to default to permissiveness that is only attractive to the website owners, not the artists.

Sign me up!

This is a great idea, when can I sign up?

As my above reply, I can send you a message in the "Wallet" with more information. It's the blockchain method of public and/or private messaging.

To talk to me, start a Wallet transfer, send a "memo" message starting with "#" to make it private. Most people send $0.001 of something.

I look forward to this project, it sounds rather interesting, and it is something I would definitely use!

Me, too! If it was already here, I would be using it every day.

Both hands for ! Will sign up too

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