Summertime Fun - Tiny Snow Glissade! 📷

in #photography7 years ago

I can't complain when i come across a chunk of show when its hot and dry on a summer summit descent. This was still sitting in the gulley of Mount Holy Cross when we descended.

I stitched some burst photos together as I slid down the slope and yes, I did wipe out at the end, it was much faster than I thought.

My first attempt actually left me on my butt and in the rocks at the bottom. OUCH!

And of course, when there is a cave to check out, no matter what size, I have to try to reach it. This one I could only get my body in, no room to turn around or anything though, so only good for a quick photo.

What's amazing about this whole little snope of rock, is last spring when I hike this exact spot, the snow was level with the top of the rocks well above me and I was glissading down the snow slopes, without even noticing the many cliffs along the gulley. What a different scene it is in winter.

Here's a pic from the spring glissade at the exact same location. You can't tell how big these cliffs are hiding under all that snow. It's actually kind of scary thinking now that this gap where the melt water flowed down was actually about a 20foot waterfall to which you could easily be trapped in it if you fell in. We saw that risk before we glissaded and knew we could avoid them though, but impressive to see it in summer now as well!

Oh, and of course, here was my out of control glissade run down a higher up slope. I only had hiking poles with me that day and needless to say, they don't work nearly as well as an ice axe to slow your descent, and I destroyed a pole bending it as a brake. However, TOTALLY worth the fun, as you can see!

That's it for now, gotta get my gear ready for some more hiking adventures! Please follow and comment, always nice to hear your thoughts!


That you like fun, bigtime!

Do you think the differences in snow/ice are only due to season or from climate change as well?

My pics here are just seasonal. Different story up at glaciers and more dramatic ice scenes though, that's climate change.

You got my vote and a resteem :)

Sweet, thanks katesmith, appreciate that!

Great shots...looks like awesome fun too !!!

Oh ya, you can definitely say that. But, hey, I'd say that about any hiking, and fun on a mountain!

Hills yeah!

good one. Hill areas!!

@unipsycho - Oh my goodness, winter is coming. Last photography is a best photo for Monochrome Tuesday Sir. Love your work & fantastic hiking there.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

That snow is still melting from last winter. However, this week it is snowing here in the mountains already, so I'll get out in the snow on the weekend! thanks so much. monochrome tuesday, but its WEDNESDAY!! At least here it is.

It seems like you had a nice surfing experience there :D As I always told you, you are doing an amazing work! Hiking and travel is not possible thing for most of us! So, this is great! Really appreciate your effort and thank you very much for sharing such amazing experiences with us!


Ya, as good as I've ever surfed! (That is falling) haha. Was fun still though finding the snow.

Thanks for sharing @unipsycho . Love it.

Congratulations @unipsycho
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Final 100% upvote power reserved for your article. Fantastic experience and exceptional photography.
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Great post and very informative. @unipsycho Have learnt a lot from it.

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