
Because you apparently think posting your opinion about someone is worth $1.00 I disagree, you think your question about why I am flagging you is worth $1.00 I disagree

The reason I upvoted it, is so people could not censor it and others would see it near the top of the comment field. This has nothing to do with money, it has to do with spreading truthful information and you flagging it pushes it down the comment field hiding it. If you had more SP than me, it would have hid the comment. So no, your response is unjustified and you are a pro censorship useless user.

You want me to flag your posts that I think are worthless, I could do that to every post you ever made. Just because you don't think something is worth what it made gives you no right to flag it.

Go for it, you would consume all of your voting power in the process and destroy and reputation here you have managed to build.

Says the person flagging me for no reason. You are actively hurting my rep score no reason. You are pathetic. Go kiss TDV's ass offline. You have no argument for the information I presented.

Furthermore your blog is a waste of time. Photos of nothing that suck in quality. Congrats.

You start trying to censor my blog and the extremely important information I present and I won't be the one who gets flagged into oblivion. I could easily put this exchange on my youtube channel and direct many people to flag your content for being shit, which it is.

I am going to flag you once for every flag you gave me for no reason.

Furthermore it was not opinion it was researched and sourced information. I am not surprised to find you live in Acapulco, let me guess you are friends with Berwick?

You and every other TDV fan can stick your head in the sand and keep it there. You better get more SP so you can flag people like me from ruining your echo chamber of bs.

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