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RE: Split Tone Photos [inspired by @thecryptofiend]

Great shot - I love portraits! Every face tells a story. There is a sadness in the model's eyes that I pick up on here. Love the way you have framed it too. The model has great bone structure and your positioning makes a bold composition with the facial contours leading one into the eyes.

Thanks for trying it out and for the shout out. Just a quick tip if you hold a reflector in front of the model's face (experiment to find the right angle) it is a great way to emphasise the face and get brightness in the eyes.


Thanks a lot for your detailed critics about the photography. Very helpful.
Actually I had been the model in this photography. And I have to admit, that you are very good at reading faces. I really was in a sad mood during that time. But that's another story.
I guess I will get a reflector soon, as it is a long time wish and my birthday is not far away. Thanks again for your tutorial, those small little tricks really are valuable.

Hi. OK that makes it harder to use a reflector then! Hope you feel better - Happy Birthday!

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