A Magical Peacock Christmas at SM Seaside With Le Parents <3 (@tegoshei's Photographer at heart Series #22)

in #photography5 years ago

A happy day to you beautiful people! :D
As promised, I'm back with a bunch of photos to share! :)

I have mentioned in my previous posts that I and my parents went to SM Seaside a couple of times and during those times, I took several pictures of their magnificent and magical Christmas decoration. I don't know why, but their theme this year is a Magical Peacock.

The giant Christmas tree which they placed at the heart of the mall has the same color and design as the previous years but the stuff surrounding the tree varies. Last year was a carousel and now, there's this giant peacock embracing the tree and a white "instagrammable" place underneath it.

And so, without further ado, let me show to you these beautiful sights. <3 Enjoy!


Let me start from this angle which I took from the second floor of the mall. I guess this is the best place to capture the peacock and the Christmas tree fully. And ohh~ I took these pictures for about 2 or 3 separate days... though most of them are from the third day when I was wearing comfortable clothes and can just take photos from any position. hahaha


Next up is this angle I took from the third floor. I believe this was the first ever picture I took of this lovely sight.


And then here's a closer look of its tail. It's so amazingly great! By this time, I was already on the first floor of the mall and I just couldn't resist taking picture of this lovely sight.


Why hello there Mr. Peacock!!! This is a male one, right? If I remember correctly, male peacocks are much more beautiful and attractive than female ones. <3

As I've mentioned earlier, I was wearing comfy clothes the last time we went there, so the following pictures that you're about to see are taken during that time. I became the photographer of the family again. It's just a bit sad that I don't really have a lot of decent photos of myself... oh well, photography is life. haha At least, I got pretty picture of my models, my parents <3.


I super love these curtain-style Christmas lights. We have one at home... I'll post about it next time. (^^,)v





Credit to my papa for taking my picture... :) He was patient as my phone really takes a long time to focus. It's a bit blurry, but now worries.. hahaha And yeah, I mentioned about a white "instagrammable place" earlier... so here it is.







I took these photos on a Friday morning so there weren't a lot of people. When we passed by this place around lunch time, there were lots of people having their photos taken. Early bird really catches the worm, eh? :D

And yeah~ that's it for this post. I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures. Until next time! (^^,)/

As usual, I used my Nokia 5 phone in taking these photos and enhanced them using PhotoScape desktop app. I really want to have a better camera in the future... I'm accepting donations for it. hahaha Thank you guys! Love yah!

Posted via Marlians.com

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What beautiful pictures, the peacock and the Christmas tree look amazing. Good thing you really enjoyed that day. Regards.


Hello @teamxpro... :) Thanks for dropping by with this comment. :) It was indeed an amazing day plus the equally amazing decorations... :) Have a great one, too! <3

Love it! 🥰

Thank you te... :)

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