
Thank you :) when I was there last time, there was not so much green, especially I haven't seen these smaller plants and the moss.

I would have stayed longer, but I had to be at home before midday, but next time I'll take some time to relax and photograph :)

It’s nice seeing the changing feel of a spot through seasonal change

Yes, it has changed so much since I was there a few weeks ago. Next time I want to hike a bit through the valley to the source of the river.

That sounds like a fun hike to do, how long would it be?

From the place, where I photographed, maybe 1 - 1 1/2 hours, but the whole path is about 7 or 8 hours hiking, I think.

That’s a good hike I used to love hikes that a good length to get both exercise and fresh air

I am planning this hike along the river, and another hike to 2 small lakes in the near, but I have to wait for better weather.

YEss hats a plan for nice weather i have done hikes in the rain, its a cool experience if its warm but not so much when its cool, so makes perfect sense to me to wait for better weather

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