
I think, they are all the same, at least most ;) ... and I would do the same, probably laugh a bit louder ;) lol

Ohh I have learned with my wife not to laugh even after i know she is Ok if she has a slip she does not have the same sense of humor for that LOL

Oh, I love to laugh about the mistakes and mishaps of others, if nobody gets hurt - I don't think your wife would like me 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I am the same trust me and I also laugh if I do something silly and fall, even when I get hurt LOL,
the last time I was skiing, i did a turn wrong and fell and popped my knee out of joint, sat myself up and started laughing my friends skied on by thinking since i was laughing I was OK.
Luckily I have had that happen with my knee before so once I stopped laughing i was able to click it back into place and hobble down the slope

You must be a kind of Terminator.
I think, Arnold has seen you, "repairing" your knee or your shoulder yourself, and the idea of the Terminator without any pain was born ... 😄👍

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL well Rugby got me into that, but I am slowing down and try not to get into situations where I need to act like terminator any more

I can imagine that and hope, you take care about yourself.

I don't like football at all, I have never liked it, but I think, if Rugby would have been an option when I was young, I would have played it. It's a bit more action than just 22 people running after a ball ;) lol

I used to play both football or soccer as we called it and Rugby but Rugby was my main sport, did pretty well at it, until a bad injury put me out for about 8 Months from playing and never got seriously back into it

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