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RE: Part #4: Šunik Water Grove / Šunik-Wasserhain

in #photography5 years ago

LOl I can relate tot hat as well and today for me as well Iw as walking along this morning and a bluebird flew by and landed on a letterbox just by me, I ever so slowly brought my camera up to eye level and it did not move, then I moved ever so slightly to get it in shot and it flew away, I dont think it was laughing but just then I heard other birds chirping and I am sure they were laughing


lol 😉 but I got them. At least a few were so kind and sat still for a few seconds, but I think, they didn't know, how much my Sigma can zoom - this lens is really worth it :)

Ohh you making me so envious of that lens, I dont think I will ever get that lens some things have changed here so my camera buying spree this year may be coming to an end

I am really glad, that I have bought it, and one day you will have one too. With the Haida filter set my photo budget for 2019 is at its end too.

But you don't need to be envious, because this lens is really heavy, and I am glad, if one out of 20-30 shots is sharp enough.

And I am telling myself its not often I am in situations where i need such a long lens, I am not really convincing myself but its actually true LOL

I must admit, that in many situations the 70-200 would have been enough, and the photos would have been sharper too, because it is easier to hold.
But like yesterday morning, when I saw these rabbits and this roebuck (never heard this name before), I was so glad to have it with me :)

thats true enough but at least now you have it in your kit if you ever need that longer reach :)

Yes, but I think, in future I will try to leave the other lenses at home, when I go for wildlife shots.
But what if I see a beautiful beetle or butterfly, and my macro lens is at home 😧

Thats always the issue, I pick one or maybe two lenses to carry into the city to not carry to much but if I do trips in the car i take most of them LOL

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