
Last weekend my wife couldn't even lift my backpack, and I only needed the Sigma telephoto and the macro lens.

We both take too much with us, just in case we might need something 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Most days I take the 24-240 and one of the smaller lens into the city the 24-240 and macro does make the bag fairly heavy witrh the other things I carry for work LOL

That's it, I have the 70-200 and the 24-105 always with me, and most of the times the 16-35 too. With the macro the backpack would be completely full ... and the only lens I might need during a working day would be the 24-105 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to carry a lot a few years back but now I am feeling my age a little so I am sensible and do not carry to much

This is, why I have to rethink and take only the gear with me, which I will actually need. The backpack last weekend was too heavy to carry it on the motorbike, and I can still feel the weight in my back.

Yeah but I am sure that for you like me when you do take less you always have in the back of your mind that that I should take one more lens just incase....

That's the point:
What if there's a beautiful butterfly sitting on a nice flower, and I don't have my macro lens with me? lol
What if an eagle lands on the tree in front of my office window, and I don't even have my 70-200 lens with me? lol

Yes indeed we always want to be prepared for the what if’s even today forecast is for rain all day and windy I could have left my camera at home but no it’s in my bag besides me on the train right now

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