
It came too late to the depot, and they wanted to deliver it on Monday. So I drove to the depot and now I 😁😁😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Woohoo thats great have fun with it, I did try out mine today and am very happy with it :)

Yeah, I have seen your waterfall photo already - great :)

Thanks and WOW I am so far behind in comments you left this 14 hours ago and I am just getting to it now

Never mind :)

Did you know, that birds don't sing? They laugh, laugh at me - I am sitting here in my parents' garden and I can hear them all around. A few minutes ago 2 real nice birds sat on the tree in front of me, only about 4 metres away. When I took my camera they didn't move, but when I held the camera to my eyes, they were gone, and I think I could hear them laughing ;) lol

LOl I can relate tot hat as well and today for me as well Iw as walking along this morning and a bluebird flew by and landed on a letterbox just by me, I ever so slowly brought my camera up to eye level and it did not move, then I moved ever so slightly to get it in shot and it flew away, I dont think it was laughing but just then I heard other birds chirping and I am sure they were laughing

lol 😉 but I got them. At least a few were so kind and sat still for a few seconds, but I think, they didn't know, how much my Sigma can zoom - this lens is really worth it :)

Ohh you making me so envious of that lens, I dont think I will ever get that lens some things have changed here so my camera buying spree this year may be coming to an end

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