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RE: National Love a Tree Day!

in #photography5 years ago

I had never thought of looking at the National Day list for ideas for a post but it is a cool idea,
Now tree day is one I can relate to but out of curiosity I looked up what was on today
National Pack Rat Day
National Cherry Cobbler Day
National Graduation Tassel Day
National Walnut Day
National Idaho Day
National Endangered Species Day – Third Friday in May
National Defense Transportation Day – Third Friday in May
National Pizza Party Day – Third Friday in May
National Bike to Work Day – Third Friday in May
NASCAR Day – Third Friday in May
And I am not sure which one I would go for today, Maybe National Endangered Species Day
But what's up with National Idaho Day how is it national and a state at the same time LOL

At least there is not so many World days to choose from
World Hypertension Day
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

You to have a great day :)


Haha! I saw that yesterday and thought... I will never run out of things!

I think that the last time i looked up national days was a couple of years ago and it seems the list is always growing LOL

Me too! Can you imagine my surprise when I saw the hundreds of them! Somewhere sometime someday somebody needs to cut that off. If they had one more day to it we don't have time to read it before the day is done.

Ohh yeah personally I think it is already at the ridiculous stage it should be one meaningful theme for each day and that is it in my opinion, but I guess people love them

Hehe! Let's write them!!! Or at least boycott them!

Well I guess since i looked at the list for the first time yesterday after a year or so I guess I am kind of boycotting them :)

Ignore. Boycott... tomato/tomato... it sounds better in my head when I say it.

Yes indeed its all a matter of terminology OK Boycott sounds better now that I think about it :)

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