Awkward moments framed

in #photography7 years ago

Sometimes when I photograph I get the framing completely wrong. There is the thirds 'rule' that I often forget to do although that is definitely not a hard and fast order anyway. Occasionally, it is good to have the subject in the middle of the frame, not always, but rules are made to be broken as they say.

This for example is an awkward shot, I don't mind it but the framing is not great. If I had a slightly wider angle lens I wouldn't have had to cut the passenger on the left of the frame, but I had a 12-40 on. 12 sounds wide but on an MFT has a 2.0 crop factor.

What I do like about the shot, which is pretty much straight out of camera, is my lovely wife looking gorgeous. If you are going to screw up the framing, at least get someone beautiful in the middle.

I actually think the awkward framing fits the overall awkwardness of the picture and the softness of the colour palette works well together. There is some balance between the pinks of the clothes and the blues of the lights of the station behind.

The picture was taken in Milan on our Honeymoon and I think my wife looks cute with her chicken legs and feet pointed in.

[ a Steemit original ]


Usually im all about composition, but this doesnt bother me so much...the absolute subject is in the middle and she stands out against the background. Even the other lady blends in into the backgound and basically she rides that train more often thsn you guys do I that sense she IS part of the background

That is a very cool way to look at it, not so much for background lady :)

Im sure she had her time to shine riding this train already :p

I like this picture very much as it is. For me it's a great picture that shows how akward and unconfortable people can be in public transport. Fantastic!!

thank you. it can definitely get uncomfortable on there :)

Great photo, congratulations! It's nice how you can easily see the difference between your wife and the train, how well the shot shows the contrast between the beautiful and the monotonous. It's just like you would see a beautiful flower in the middle of a destroyed city - a small piece of beauty into a bad looking environment.

Congratulations again for the photo, and best of luck!

Thank you. I like that about it too. The soft/warm and hard/cold contrast.

Looks like you just told her you're buying a new camera! 🤣

You break the rules, but is a good shot... probably you could leave a bit much air above the head of your wife, cutting more the metro floor under the feet, but ok, upvoted and resteemed, because you decide to visit my Milan on your honeymoon :D :D :D (Joking, not only for that... he he he).

The context that she's your wife certainly changes the tone of the shot.

It looks a lot like she regrets the decision :)

The judge was very clear about photographing strangers on the train; so it's something of a sore topic :)

Crop it to square, problem solved. :)

I tried, I didn't like the look of it. Too instagram-ish :)

I'd like to think of it medium-format like. ;) Instagram is more like a crappy polaroid with effect gravy on top.

I recognised this shot in your recent post.
Just came back to check it was yours :)

I generally only use mine unless I reference. For images, I use them for photo posts of course but if I can fit my own image to my text, I use it as I prefer to keep all content mine. This does unfortunately mean overlapping and recycling at times though. I am not a professional photographer and my collection is not as deep as I would like.

Thanks for checking though because I think that there are many times you may find plagiarism and theft.

Your wife is beautiful. I knew I'd seen her on that train before, and on steemit.
Just wanted to be sure it was you.
I don't mind so much if steemers are thieving from the rest of the net, but cannibalizing each other's stuff is pretty low.

Yeah, I agree. It happens though. I have reported to @steemcleaners when I have come across it.

It may be awkward moment and awkwardly framed, but it's so interesting @tarazkp… Upvoted, resteemed & DPS.

When it comes to photography I personally do not believe there are any rues, sure like the Rule of thirds even though it says rule it is a guideline and more often than not it is a good idea, but for this shot it really wouldn't have worked

by the way Love this shot

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