Heartbreak Lake

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

A nearby lake is named Creve Coeur.

It is translated from French as heartbreak or broken heart. The story goes that during the 1700's an 'Indian' Princess had fallen madly in love with a French fur trapper who didn't feel that way about her. Unable to cope with this, she decided to jump off a cliff that overlooked the lake, after which the waters took on the shape of a broken heart, hence giving it its name.

This is That Cliff

Pictures taken with a Galaxy S6 cellphone.

Creve Coeur Lore Sources:

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Image Sources:
All images were taken by me.


Very nice! It is like the rocks are crying.

Thank you! I'd not thought of it like that before, but I see it now that you mention it.

Beautiful place. Love the hardwood trees. Thanks for sharing.

It's a nice calming park, I always enjoy it there. The place is surrounded by those trees...many are HUUGE, both standing and fallen down. I did get some other pictures that showed the trees off more, but they didn't really fit with the 'story.' Here's a couple of them:

Wow, those are big. "Love them trees." Thanks for including the extra pictures in the return. I can imagine it is quite relaxing out there.

Why is it many a times cliff are associated with sad stories like heartbroken or lost love ones? still it looks like a nice place to see.

That's a good question, I'm really not sure. Maybe because people tend to remember tragedies more than happier moments? This one I'll jokingly just 'blame it on the French.' Lol

I really like sites that have a story behind them. Sure, it's not grounded in reality, but it adds a layer to the whole experience. Like you're looking at something that has seen a lot of stories. Makes you think about your place in the grand scheme of things. This seems like a very serene place indeed. I could hear the water trickle down the rocks just by looking at the pictures. Thanks for sharing this!

I miss that little lake! When I lived in St. Charles I would roller blade over there. What folks don't get from these photos is how this rustic setting is in the middle of a major metro. Wondered about the bridge as the Page Extension was only just starting when I lived there. Great photos @sykochica cc2lake.JPG

Oh yea, it's pretty heavily wooded, which these pictures really didn't show. I did take some of the trees, but none really gave a good idea of the tree density. I plan to go back again soon and can get some shots of that.

The Page Extension didn't impact much for me as far as the view. It crossed at the southern tip of the lake, so it didn't interfere with a whole lot. The scale of it was impressive though. I walked down to that part to get a few shots. I'm glad it didn't take over the view, this has been my favorite park since childhood.
This one looks West

And this one was to the East

My aunt and cousins have spent many a happy hour fishing at Creve Coeur. It's the largest natural lake in all of Missouri -- all those other big lakes are man-made reservoirs. Creve Coeur is an ox-bow lake, where the river cut itself off long ago. We used to go their for family reunion picnics in the summertime. Thanks for the happy memories! Enjoy your pretty park!

I remember for a while when they didn't allow fishing there after some pollution issues, but they seemed to have gotten that all cleaned up and didn't see any sighs anymore alluding to that.

I'd never seen the ox-bow term before, had to go look that up. Yay for learning new things! Lol

Happy to provide the memories! I plan to get back up there, hitting some parts I didn't go to this time. We'll see what kind of pictures happen with there not being a ton of color right now, but spring isn't far off. :)

I'm glad you know about ox-bow lakes now. They have been important to the whole St. Louis area. There used to be some over by Earth City where folks would catch some giant catfish! Enjoy your spring travels about the St. Louis area!

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