10 PICTURES that HEAL every type of Ailment - (Number Two - Even Animals Read!)

in #photography8 years ago (edited)
Hey James, yes you James, if I read, you should read! Reading is fundamental. People have done it, you should know it!
 Yes, yeah the internet is boring, the news is boring, books are mostly in boring rectangle form. Agreed! Just read this to the end and you would have done a day's reading!

 See; animals read these days! This cat in the picture says stuff. It has had to read them somewhere. 

"I am reading right now. Look at me",

 words of a tiny cat!

Cocks have to read the patterns on your face to determine, 'ah my time has come, I am going in the pot. 

"Honey bees solves intense Mathematics; Calculus!", is 19th century news.

A mouse reads; else why will they go eat off your name from your certificate?

Mosquitoes read temperature; they like it warm. They'll come around, make love(mating mosquitoes) and use some of our blood as aphrodisiac.

Cats sit all day long with a straight face. 'Staring at nothing you would say'. Relax, for it is reading! 

Look at the picture again:

Yes, reading can take different forms and it doesn't entirely have to be a book. Read minds; read what's on that coke bottle.
You smoke? Have you read what's on the cigarette box? Can you spell the word cigarette? Read!
Read the starry night sky!
You see some malicious looking poop laying helplessly, read! Wonder what food made it!
Read in between the lines.
 ‎You've seen a YouTube video, read the comments!
Please read this that i have written!

The Internet's mad man is here! Don't laugh at a mad man. lol

Before i finally leave though, if the only genre of things to read, that you have come to like is 'LISTS', here is a tiny list of the greatest influencers and mentors on the entire steemit:






 Right here, i will gradually develop links to the 9 other pictures that i intend to storify with life lessons for our pleasurable healing, hahaha! Our list will start blank, then gradually fill up:

1.  10 Pictures That Heal Any Of Ailment (Number One - Fall Awesomely)









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