10 Pictures That Heal Any Of Ailment (Number One - Fall Awesomely)

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

These pictures are so weak on their own. So awesomely pretty yet so weak on their own. They need help; a cooking, to make them into 'nice tea'; then they totally heal! Awesomeness! Paradise! Sweetness!

The Internet's mad man is here. I storify these pictures with total heart and I leave you with them, to soothe you fully. Don't laugh at a madman!‎

herbadmother (precious Catherine Conor loved us by taking all the pictures. She is awesome.)

The above picture is 1 of 10 PICTURES that HEALS every type of Ailment. I am bringing these pictures to life in order to bring us to a soothing, dear steemit users!

So here:

If you don't jump, you'll never fly. Or fall awesomely, which is sometimes just as fun.

 These are the sentiments; words; deep message; of a beautiful person: herbadmother

However, let's add just a bit more sentiments to fully storify our amazing picture above and draw healing!

Same as words can't fully express some emotions; some pictures are helpless in expressing themselves fully. Hence, for our photo here; to fully grasp its value, we'll have to aid ourselves into a state of yoga, hahaha! Join me a bit! Let's look a more intently at the pretty picture above:

Imagine falling awesomely! How fun can that be?

Overall, I feel, we humans, still need lessons on how to feel and use our senses ( touch, smell, vision, emotions, love) to the fullest. I feel we are just so helpless. I feel; some emotions; if expressed exactly how felt, will move mountains! 

So how much fun can falling awesomely feel like?

 Well, you move against air; against gravity and as you fall, an equal amount of air shoves your chest.

Feel that air! Have new breathes in its rhythm and you'll find new feelings: skipped heartbeats; a calm soothed heart!  

hahaha, I just skipped away from the point but mostly for a short bit!

Bottomline is, if you don't let yourself fall sometimes, then you may never come to know of new ventures; new waters!

Sometimes, desperation from a fall, adrenalines us into newer heights. Thus, many times we have to acknowledge that we are imperfect and that does requires a measure of humility. 

Don't over-pummel yourselves! 

Sometimes even after a fall, take a lesson, then stand tall! We are humans, yes invincible, but humans! Even animals will beat us, in a survival dungeon. Be ready to take a dive today.

A risk can also fix, if it decides not to be disastrous.

Now join me one final time please, let's draw healing from our lovely picture: 

Look at the little cute boy. Look at beautiful water. Look at colors. Look at beauty. Breathe; feel good, for today is good news! No fears! Just colors, beauty and a fully breathing heart. Look at this picture and you'll hear my voice and believe. Carlos, Jennifer, @virtualgrowth, Paddy, Atkinson, @kryptik, Jenkinson, Smith, John, @ziogio, Bravo, Paul, Peter, Pete, Joan, Jasmine, Wilma, @sykochicha, Jimmy, Terry Ajayi, Rogers, Mildness; be fortified strong today! Feel yourself! You are ultimate and today will be it: Fine! 

Fall awesomely!

Right here i will gradually develop links to the 9 other pictures that i intend to storify with life lessons for our pleasurable healing, hahaha! 

Our list will start blank, then gradually fill up:

  1.  10 PICTURES that HEAL every type of Ailment - (Number Two - Even Animals Read!)


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