Limited mobility | Unlimited stories: am I still a photographer?

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

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Vivian Mayer did some amazing work she was a pioneer in many ways with her work

as for the Gif I think you did real well I would have wobbled all over if I tried that I am sure

Yes, she was an amazing photographer and I'm so glad someone discovered and publisher her work!

And thanks for the nice comment on the GIF!

YEs it was great that her amazing work was found and shared for us all to see

(You have a great portfolio/contact page- I am going through in stages - which does a lot to help me answer my own question, what is photography? You have done an awful lot for 30!)

:D If you have any questions about the photos please ask @sukhasanasister! They might spark a new article on Steemit :-)

You DO like kind of strict in this series, you know that right :D

It is the perfect memory to look back to honestly. I think we dont have enough decent pictures of ourselves we can look back to in 20 years. This one does the job

Haha! Yes, I don't like smiling :P

Thanks @karinxxl - I often forget how important it is to be able to look back at certain periods in life, but I'm realising it more and more!

Yeah have some visual memories from every phase is a good idea!

What a wonderful idea with the 30 at 30 portrait project. Very creative!

Thank you! :-)

I admire your determination and strength. I can relate to your experience. You are one amazing tough cookie that inspires me to push myself more in order to achieve my goals. Thank you!

LIKEWISE! I've been super impressed with the way you share your story on Steemit too, and I feel we're both doing our best to be as vulnerable as we can and inspire others. Thank you for that!

I've tried to find the right words but all I can say is I admire you and I am truly happy life got you in my path. Such a strong and sweet woman. You are the best steemom! By the way, your eyes glow!!

<3 You've said enough to me yesterday already! You're wise words are in the back of my mind :-) I'm just as glad as you that we were able to meet even though we live so far apart. And YES for glowing eyes!

haha :) you are so sweet :) big kiss

You're sweet too :D

This is great Rosanne. So great you did what you could, when you could and you still are a photographer!

Thanks a lot @sjarvie5! I'm glad I did it too, although I was in doubt about everything all day ;-)

Love seeing the creativity!!

I'm sure it will be well rewarded in the judging... I mean no promises but looks great!

Thanks a lot @jarvie! I appreciate it a lot! :-)

I loved this post and got it before pay out yay!!!
I don't consider Google Street View screenshots photography exactly but iPhone shot and/or selfies, for sure! There's a famous photographer in Greece who actually did an exhibition called 'Cell phone pictures' - all taken with his phone :P So yeah. That counts.
I don't pick up my camera often lately either - I feel kinda guilty, but oh well...
Maybe we can collaborate on a creative project...?? ;)))

Thank you @meanmommy33! Yes, smartphone photography is now kind of accepted as photography, but for example photography from street view is done by Michael Wolf and I definitely see how it can be 'photography' - it started with real cameras after all, and photography for me is broad than just 'clicking the button' but also about selecting, composing, editing into stories... See for yourself: If it's not photography it's interesting at least :D

Ohhh and YES for a collaborative project! We will have to start a private chat about that one :D

yep, interesting it is ;D
Text you tomorrow for the collab! :*

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