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I don't have a fav cat meme but this one is cute enough for now

Oh MAN! I love it :D So cute to see different kinds of animals live so close together. Looks like heaven :-)

If only us humans could be like that...

That's such an amazing moment :D

so we should not post cat cutnes on steem? well i can't delete it now :D

LOL! Yes, we should post MORE cats on Steem! :D

hahaha cuteness overload is right! I love cats! haha :) and can watch cat videos and look at cat memes all day! haha

Lol! Right?! Kind of amazing how cats can be a source of entertainment for centuries and decades on the interwebs :-)

LOL I know, back in the infant stages of YouTube it was like all animal videos. hahaha

Ah, the internet and cats, two things that were just meant to be together :)

I hope it's ok if I post a watercolour I did of my cat, Puss, instead of a photo. She was a treasure.


Awww - that is sooo gorgeous! She looks very sweet and comfortable in that position <3

I agree.. we need more cats on steemit.. I miss the good old days when youtube was mainly cats, and not politics. My favourite cat pic/meme has to be this one:


That's me every morning!

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