
ha ha, I didn't know him at that age but from the pictures my grandmother was also a looker so he must have been a charmer!

Darryl @dadview

I love thinking about what my grandparents' lives were like when they were young. I used to ask my nana about it. They're all gone now, but I wear my nana's engagement ring every day, and I love remembering them when I see it and think of their lives when he gave her this ring shortly before shipping off to Europe to be a medic in wwii. He was a charmer too. She was beautiful and 6 years his senior.

My grandfather was in the Canadian Military. he was adopted so he lied about his age to be drafted. I still have his uniform. It is so small. It is scary to think about how young he was when he served. I couldn't fit into it when I was 19.

Such a different world. I think my brother has my grandfathers. He was always a tiny man, though. Even fully grown he was maybe 5'5"

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