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RE: What is that on the back of that trailor?

in #photography5 years ago

John Deere tractor...LOL, now THAT was funny!!!
I agree with you assessment in how you are doing the calendar.
I'm still sticking with my Judah brethren!

Genesis 49:10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes; And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.

I as well will be doing Passover Friday night because you did read it correctly. Since God's days start at sundown the first "day" so to speak is on Saturday!

Have a great Passover, 1st day of Unleaven Bread and then First Fruits on Sunday!


Thank you! And same to you! Do you have anything planned?

I was at a public Passover on Thursday, then did my own Passover, then Sabbath with the congregation then on Sunday the congregation gathered together for First Fruits. Long couple of days but with good weather and friends it was a very joyous time! What did you end up doing?

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