☀️How to cope with the heat - what is your trick? (🍺 prize inside )

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Greetings Steemians!

The summer heat has Europe in it's tiring grip. One of the best things you can do these days in my region is this:




What are your tricks to survive the heat? Let me know in the comment section. I will reward my favorite comment with an ice-cold beer (by means of an upvote that carries sufficient weight to materialize one). Illustrations/Photos will be favored :)


All photos were recorded by myself with an iPhone 6S in July 2018. All rights reserved.


Preferably moving slowly and taking a few drinks to help. How it is handled in our family, including Susi the cat - cheers

It looks to me that, you are doing it just right. Enjoy the 🍺(or any other drink of your choice).

Thanks for sharing these photos!


This is not me, but i like the idea 😂


Hey @shaka! I just read an article in the news that the current heatwave has hit Germany and the Czech Republic the most in all Europe. We had over 37 degrees today in many different areas of the country and the forecast says the scorching heat might last for up to several more weeks, which is something very exceptional for Central Europe.

As for my way of fighting the heat - I am not gonna be overly original - the traditional combination of the pool and the beer :D


However, the cool thing is that beer (and it is a good one!) costs just 8 CZK (0.3 EUR) :D We are called the beer nation for a reason I guess. Greetings from the Czech Republic!

I think the beer/pool combination is a well-proven one. I'm an adherer of that strategy, too :)


This is my mother's trick from way back in the day. Run cold water over your wrists. Then have wet wash cloths in the fridge and put them on your wrists and lie down. This is from her mother from back when no one had ac. We lived way in the North, and hot days rarely came, but when they did, they were awful.

But now, I am as close to the equator as I can get and I love the heat. It helps my Rheumatoid Arthritis. When it is cold, I am rolled up into a ball of pain.

I would not get a beer, if I got your vote, and that definitely will not cool you down. Here in SE Asia, they use barley water to get rid of the "heaty feeling."

You have given my posts votes in the past, and I am so grateful to you! I'm glad I saw this one today, even though I am not sure how I got here lol. Mysteries of steemit!

Me leaving San Diego in three jackets because it was too cold there.
mom and Caleb trying not to cry fitinfun.jpg

Thank you for your comment and for sharing your mother's trick. Sorry to hear about your condition. I hope you can always avoid a cold surrounding. All the best!

Thank you so much. And you try to stay cool! It's harder when you don't get heat all the time. Here is the tropics, we are just used to it :)

Of course @freiheit50 's suggestion about the mountains is correct. But today even here in the mountains it is 33°.

My parents grew up in the in American South before it there was air conditioning, so my mother had some tricks to "beat the heat."

  1. Wake up early before the sun comes up. Open all the windows and get as much cool air in your home as possible.
  2. We use a digital thermometer and first we check the temperature indoors, and then place it outside near the window in the shade.
  3. Once the low temperature outdoors starts to rise we monitor it and the temperature indoors.
  4. In our particular situation, as soon as it reaches 23° outdoors see close all the windows, and on the East side facing the Sun we also close the shutters so the sunshine won't heat the rooms.
  5. Our roof hangs out on the South side so we don't get direct sunshine in summer. In any case, block direct sunshine from heating the rooms.
  6. After doing that, it is tolerable. The air can get a bit stale, but that's better than suffering with the heat.
  7. About 21.30 we open the windows again -- this is our daily ritual during heatwaves.

No doubt that one had to take this seriously in the American South before the advent of air conditioning. And the latter comes at the price of unnatural dry air that I personally try to avoid. Thanks for sharing this insight.



And beer.



Greetings from Russia and Greece!

Great plan. And there are these floating chairs with cup holders for a truly immersive pool-beer experience :D

Exactly! )))

haha Mythos byra,, best one :))

Very beautiful place, I imagine that at the moment it is very crowded... In my country for now it is cold but in the months March-April there was a lot of heat and my way of fighting it was with light clothing, lots of water, ice cream.

I also made some trips to the thermal baths of San Juan de los Morros- Venezuela.

I also went with my grandchildren to the beach, it is an excellent measure to fight the heat and also enjoy.


And finally another option is to drink cold drinks, nothing better than a few beers.

So the heat is a great excuse to enjoy, so take advantage of these days Shaka ... Greetings!

Thanks for sharing these impressions!

Since there's no beach where I live and a pool is a luxury not all can afford.
We make it work with what we have.
Actually this was a study field trip with our college, but we had to improvise because of the heat.
The wet clothes gave a cooling effect throughout the day.


Awesome, looks like a lot of fun!

Air condition to the maximum when I am at home! But since I love sea more than you can imagine, and we are lucky enough to have the sea right at our doorstep (Greek fellow here) I spend most of my time in the water like a seal :Ρ

You can always try the ice bucket challenge though. Works perfectly fine!
Have a great day @shaka

Ps. Glad you made that series about Crete. Loved it. Whenever you decide to visit Athens I’d love to show you the sights!

Thanks for you offer! I had the chance to visit Athens for half a day, with just enough time to climb the Akropolis and enjoyed the fantastic view from there. I would definitely wish to go there again for longer.

Enjoy the sea!

Summer heat is really intensely hot unlike other seasons
Here in Africa, we do experience more heat than cold which apparently portrays more Summer season though we tag it hot and wet season.
The trick is this...You need more water to stay hydrated this period which means more water to drink, less salt to reduce frequent sweat and take a cool shower often with some relaxation at the swimming pool.
Yes you need some Ice cold beer too 😁😁😁
Water should basically be your friend though not in excess
Enjoy some Evening stroll too with family and pets....
In some parts of Africa, we chill at Barbeque at the sea side to enjoy the cool breeze and relax

These are all great recommendations. I love having Barbecue in the evenings, too.

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