Boston in the Midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Photos

in #photography4 years ago

Hello Steemians, I hope you're doing as well as you can be during these trying times. I know that the Steemit community is truly a global community, and I know that some of you reading this will be in areas that are being hit extremely hard by this pandemic and it's repercussions. I hope the best for you, and invite you to share your stories and situation in the comments below to inform everyone of the seriousness and consequences of this pandemic. With that said, let's continue.

Fortunately I haven't been affected very much, yet, by this pandemic, but I can see the millions who have had their lives thrown into chaos from it. From the mental anguish and anxiety from the stress and uncertainty to the economic and financial anxieties. It's truly a despairing time for many around the world, and ultimately the health and mortality costs we are seeing, especially in places such as Italy right now.

We can all do something, whether big or small to help those fighting this pandemic or those suffering from it, big or small. From helping those who can't get their own supplies or are at risk to get their own supplies, to just checking in on those who are alone and isolated at this time. We can all do something to help ease these times.

One thing I decided to do, as a photographer, was to document and tell a piece of this story and this history through photographs.

I went out into Boston last night, as it was almost 70 degrees and one of the nicest nights we've had since last summer. You'd imagine that o the nicest night, after a long winter, and a Friday night no less, that there would be people out and about on the town, and in any other time, you'd be right, but not last night. Boston was a ghost town.


Which is honestly a very good thing, because that means people are staying home and social distancing. But it's also a stark reminder of the seriousness and scale of the moment we are currently in.

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This is Boylston street. One of the busiest and most popular streets in Boston. If you ever tried to casually cross this street like this man is, let alone stand in the street like I was, you should expect to be run over, backed up on, and run over once again. But not last tonight. You could play in the street at your leisure.


Another view of Boylston street, empty as can be.

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These are a couple images of Beacon Hill, another very beautiful and picturesque area of Boston, often frequented on weekends and especially on warm nights. But hardly a soul out last night.

And here's just a few more shots I captured last night before heading home.



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Although there is much more to be said on this subject, from the political lens, to the economic lens, that's not what this post is about. This post is about telling the story of the seriousness and documenting the fallout of the world in a the midst of a pandemic, that is in all likelihood, going to get worse.

I implore you to take this seriously, yet don't panic. Don't buy the entire grocery store, but wash your hands, stay away from others if you don't feel well, STAY HOME IF YOU CAN, and try to help those that need it in your community if you can, but also take care to not infect, or be infected in the process. This is a difficult time for the world, but it's quite literally up to us, the people, of how bad, and for how long this gets and lasts.

So do the right thing, the world is counting on you.

And in the meantime, don't forget to follow along with me on Instagram! or check out my Website! for more of my work and to purchase prints to support my work! Thanks!


I took this and some other pictures of Copenhagen central station, on my way to work, which is normally packed with people!


Wow! Yeah, it's getting like that here too. I'm surprised they haven't shut the metro down yet here to be honest. I heard that was a big factor in Italy. I appreciate you sharing your experience. I feel that America is taking a rather poor approach to this so far, and it's also notable the difference of how other countries are responding compared to us. I hope you stay well and feel free to share any updates, would love to hear how things are going over there!

The trains still run in Denmark, but only 50% of what they used to. I just got sent home for the next 2 months (with paid), just to minimize the risk of the spread.
Denmark acted quite quickly to in force rules and such, even tho people are too retarded to take this 100% serious, some still wanna grab a beer in the sun with mates, but the police are giving people fines if they dont take the right messure with 2meters in between and such.

American is done, its gonna set them so far back with the way they are handling this. USA might actually become in a shittier state than Italy is currently :/

I think some nurses and doctors uses the metros to get to work, thats why they aint closed done? I guess.
I hope you are safe and survive this clusterfuck.

a very nice city, the heart wants to go on a trip to the city

This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work

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