in #photography6 years ago (edited)

I've started a series on my experiences with ayahuasca, you can check it out if you wish:

  • The Ayahuasca Diaries: Part 1
  • The Ayahuasca Diaries: Part 2
  • The Ayahuasca Diaries: Part 3

  • I expect to share Part 4 in a few days. 

    This series has me in a Peru mood, and various projects have me super deep in photography this week as well.

    Between corrupted hard drives, magically erased SD cards, and the censorship of fascistbook, I've already lost thousands of the photos I took during the year I lived there. 

    The point of this post is to migrate more of my Peruvian FB photo album to the immutable blockchain before fascistbook erases them all. Here's the first part of this album.

     Enjoy part 2! 

    After playing on the glacier, we went northward to stay at a gross place outside of Chiclayo that my new British friends found on It was dirty, deserted, and had a bunch of scraggly dogs around. This one's name was Steve.

    But it was on the beach, so we made the most of our very few days there. Did some yoga.

    Watched some magnificent sunsets with an old, unhealthy man from Canada named Eugene.

    Enjoyed a rainbow. 

    Then we went took off to see some of the pyramids in Peru at an old, old spot called Tucumé. Yes, there are pyramids in Peru. In fact, they have the oldest one on record at Caral, and Tucumé is said to be the largest pyramid complex in the world with 26 (!!!) of them spread out over miles.

    This blew my mind; it was one of my first real life experiences proving that history books are limited, biased, and inaccurate.  It was very interesting, but that time I didn't respect how significant it actually is and didn't spend near enough time exploring and playing on and around the structures. 

    Those weathered piles of sand and clay are some of what's left of the smaller pyramids. From the top of this one we could see them in the distance in all directions.

    We saw this Peruvian Hairless Dog, AKA the Inca Orchid, in all his hairless glory.

    Then we went northward to another city on the beach called Huanchaco. Saw a starfish.

    Poked around.

    Enjoyed a lot of street art.

    They have tons of graffiti in Huanchaco.

    Murals everywhere!

    Had a pisco sour and a nice dish called causa rellena with chicken, mayo, and avocado sandwiched between layers of mashed potatoes. 

    After the pisco sours we took to the streets and came upon the funniest street food stand I've ever seen.

    Turns out a Sex Burger is DANK, with a meat of your choice, fried egg, french fries, crispy iceberg lettuce, tomatoes and onions if you want them, mayo sauce, and spicy aji sauce too.

    Of course there was so much more to it than I have said here...I'm enjoying reliving my adventures through these visuals, but I feel a little heartsick thinking of all my photos lost to the sands of times - the friends we met who invited us into their homes, the places we stayed, the foods we ate, the buildings and plants and animals I had never seen before...I wonder how many parts of my story I've forgotten without graphic prompts...

    I went to Peru to transform, and this was still only the beginning. 

    It's really meaningful for me to be able to look back on that time in my life with my current perspective - amazing how life comes full circle and times and spaces overlap! I am still integrating lessons from that incredible country and significant opportunity. 

    This post is meant to be a short reminder to myself of where I've come from, but I sincerely hope that it entertains and inspires you too! I certainly entertain myself, but it would be especially great if my experience improved your life in at least some tiny way too.  

    💛 Sara! 


    Wonderful ! :D good job :)

    Interesting post and beautiful pictures. I always think of Peru as being very colorful and dry. I would like to go and see for myself! Lol

    There are all kinds of climates/environments in Peru. The Amazon Rainforest is there, which is definitely not dry! The coast is actually a desert. Oh there's so much to see, I hope you do get to see it for yourself @team101!

    Wow @saramiller, you really love photography.. more than that, you have shared such a good collection with us.. thanks for this.. keep sharing

    Yes I do love photography! Thanks for the encouragement @aanchalthakur~

    Wow, stunning shots! and all from a smartphone! Keep up the great work.

    Thank you! The iPhones are actually some of my favorite cameras of all time. The camera quality gets better and better, and they can't be beat for convenience of shooting, editing, and sharing.

    Thanks Noki! Looks like they ghosted...

    Nice post Sara. I hope you post your next part of the diaries. It's an amazing experience and i think it is wonderful that you decided to share it.

    Thanks for the encouragement! Yes I will definitely be sharing the next part of my diaries soon. I had hoped to publish this past weekend, but real life takes precedence over steeming sometimes :)
    I agree that it's an amazing experience, and I hope everyone gets the opportunity to take that medicine.

    Thanks for sharing this. I’ll be visiting Peru, soon.

    Sweet I hope you LOVE it!!

    The first dog looks really cute

    Hmmmm not really sure I'd call it cute, but certainly unique and remarkable!

    Los colores malva, rosados y rojos del cielo son bellisimos

    Maravilloso, verdad?

    Sucks so many of your pics got Zucked... I hate fascistbook, not many things I can say I hate but FB is one of them lol Glad to be making a new foundation here on Steemit. I still gotta figure out the chat and Discords, I'm a slow learner with new software lol

    Zucked LOL what a great verb! Yes Steemit is revolutionary and we have the chance to build it on REAL values. It's an incredible thing to be part of!! Now I basically only use FB to promo Steemit posts :)
    I'm not very techy and there is a LOT to learn with Steemit, but I think it's worth it! There are plenty of other apps on top of the ones I've told you about. It's a rabbit hole around here - one thing leads to another and another and another...

    I remember it took me a while to figure out to best use Facebook too, with all the groups and biz pages etc.. Super stoked to keep learning on here! Seems like a few people I've told about it have joined already, and a few people who had accounts but were inactive are active again because they saw me posting on Minds too, another social network I'm on too.

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