Jungle Daily - Still Raining But I Love It!

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

In the rainy season the rain fall is often so intense that you can not hear the person next to you speaking! The thunder crashing overhead can be so strong that you can feel it shake the house and the very chair you are sitting on. I have never experienced such intensity in storms anywhere in the world like these here in Costa Rica. My poor dog actually shakes in fear during these storms and he is a local boy bless him!
The view in the distance becomes a blanket of whiteness and the jungle loses its definition and looks rather like a water colour painting. Despite this seemingly extreme weather life thrives here and people learn how to live around the storms. It is a long wet season though, lasting right up until December!
To stand in the rain here in enriching, cleansing and envigorating. I love it ! Maybe I shall take a short trip to Europe though for just for a short spot of sunbathing! 😂






These were taken using my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS


Our lives become beautiful not because we are perfect but because we put our heart into what we do.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

                Jungle Divider designed by Steemit graphic artist @magiccleatus


I remember the storms and rain in the central valley. They were intense. We have some here but they don't occur as frequently. They are beautiful in their own special way...

The storms are beautiful indeed. I love the thick mists that pass in their wake too, so other worldly 😍

Isn’t it crazy how quick the storms can come on too!? One minute it’s blue skies, the next minute you hear a crack of thunder and all of a sudden the downpour begins! I know what you mean when you’re saying heavy rain, having lived in some tropical countries in Asia, when it rains, it pours! I’ve never been to Costa Rica but I guess it would be similar. It’s great too see, and it’s nice for some cooling air. Having a big heatwave this week in Thailand it is boiling!

Amazing photos may I add, the first one in the jungle is great, I love that big tree In The distance, such a beautiful tree and so spread out! Amazing coastline and sunset too :) 🌅🌴

It is crazy how fast they come. It sounds like you have experienced very similar weather. I am glad you like my photos and yes the biggest trees are really giants. I wish there were more of the real monster trees and thank goodness nowadays they are protected against felling as everything here is protected.🤗 Another aspect of tropical jungle and rainy season is how often trees fall down of their own accord. Hardly a week goes by where you don’t hear the sudden loud cracking and tearing of wood followed by a crash as another one falls. It is the cycle of life of course. The rains and constant wetness make for rotting of wood and many trees have quite a limited lifetime in the jungle - they naturally thin themselves out. AThanks goodness they grow fast though too. I never enjoy the sound of one coming down, I have to admit, I love trees so much 😂 the more the better, but as I said it’s the natural cycle of life here and a pretty common sound in the distance. How long have you been in Thailand? I checked out your blog and see you are from England ( I also grew up in UK but have been traveling for as long as I can remember 😉) Drop me your discord name and number if you fancy chatting more about tropical life.

Yes it can be instant! I absolutely love trees, I’ve seen the giant redwoods in California, it’s was amazing. I’ve also seen the kauri trees in New Zealand and they are the ones that resonated with me the most... when I was alone I almost thought I could see a slight fuzz seeping from the tree, I guessed it was the trees energy, I could see and feel it was alive and happy:) haha. I had a favourite tree in sourthen New Zealand that was a willow tree it was like being inside a big tent:)
In China too I have so many tree memories, and here in Thailand!

Yea they do sadly fall down quickly in extreme weather...when I was in Milford sound, New Zealand, there would be ‘tree slides’ almost every day! Whenever it would rain, one tree would loose grip on the cliff face and bring lots down with it...

I’ve been away for the past 3 years, with a quick few visits home in transfer. I’m actually heading back (temporarily) soon. How long have you been away?

I would absolutely love to talk more about tropical life, how do I get my discord name and number? I haven’t sorted any of that out yet... oops... but I will!:)

Re discord Watch a tutorial for beginners on YouTube would be best advice as I am a slow typer to explain stuff but it’s easy, trust me. We can pick up this conversation there then.
Your Discriminator (4 digit id) can be found in the bottom left of the client or in your Account info under user settings.

To obtain your unique Discord ID, open User Settings > Appearance > enable Dev Tools. Then, right click your username in chat > copy ID.

Hope this helps! =]


Awesome! I will set it up over the next few days when I have some time and let you know when I do! 😀

Thanks for this info! I look forward to chatting!😊🍉🌅

Just wow!! That's such immense rich beauty right there! Amazing healing and cleansing is upon us!! So grateful to enjoy this journey @sallybeth23. I have fought long and hard to be here in alignment with you!!! Nothing is as it seems 🌅🌳🎶🎵❤🙏🙃 ...hahaha! Definately get your body some European sun in the meantime! I'd love to read & see your blogs about that ❤❤❤

Hey @yogajill the jungle is definitely healing and standing in the rain I sure feel the cleansing too. It’s so warm that getting wet doesn’t seem to matter much. We just wear as few clothes as possible and it just runs off your skin. I feel like a frog sometimes 😂 I am so happy to have you along by my side sharing it all with me too, Life is always better when you share it 😉❤️🦋🌈🌴💛

All of this may be true, but it is so intensely beautiful there, but the rain becomes purely incidental. Such beautiful photographs

Oh the beauty is undeniable of course and believe me there is a beauty in the rain too, and it has a huge presence that is worth sharing because it is a intrinsic part of why Costa Rica is as beautiful as it is. I love the rain here, I shall amend my title in case I gave the impression I was grumbling about it❤️🦋🌈🌴💛

Gosh! I miss this beautiful sunset!!

Hi there, always si nice to hear from you, thanks always for your nice comments

How many day of no rain do you get during the rain season?

We don’t get days without rain, it’s more the case of how many hours we get without rain 😆❤️🦋🌴💛🌈

Thank you very much for stopping by 💛🌈🌴🦋❤️

beautiful natural photography

Thanks very much 💛🌴🌈🦋❤️

Don't come to Europe now! At least in Portugal Summer took a long detour and still hasn't arrived properly :P

Really? Spain France Italy are always gloriously hot and sunny! What’s gone wrong in Portugal this year?

I'm betting we're going to have a late summer... last year I was at the beach in November! Guess this year we're going on the same road. :) As for sunny countries... Portugal is the european country with more sunny days in the year! ;)

Better late than never, and Nov is a nice time to be enjoying the beach!

That's the spirit! ;)

Nice pictures ... what kinda of frogs is that ...is it poisonous :/ ?

Keep the good work going !!

It is a cane toad and yes they are poisonous. There are two types one is poisonous - Black and the other not - Green. Dogs get very very sick if they eat them. Not nice to see.

yes the weired skin and colors send a message to my brain while saying ' hey don't touch it ' hahahah

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