Sunday - Babyshower - Then walk at the harbor!

in #photography6 years ago

So today I went to a baby shower for the first time, and it was my brothers wife.
They are expecting a baby boy and he will get the name Agathon...❤️

Beautiful decorations and so cute

Lots of gifts and a cute Teddybear on a motorcycle made of diapers.. Lol


And of course some delicious sweets that are decorated in a creative way 😋


Some guessing for the mother to be, we all had a picture of ourselves as a baby and she would guess who she thought each picture belonged to 😉 not easy at all.... Lol


Another guessing game was that we all tasted 5 different kinds of baby food and wrote down what we thought that was.... I only got 3 right


They also have the sweetest dog and look at that cute face 🤗

and her soft toy.. Lol

Beautiful environment that just makes a happy Heart and breath deep 😊 AWwww.....

love this little damn

and beautiful dolphin that stands right next to the damn

It was a great time and she got really Suprised and touched.... Success! 🙌

Only thing not as fun is when you realize that you are the only one not being a mother yet and as my sister has 5 boys and now my brother will have one to 😲... nooo
Pressure on me to be the one getting a girl.
You pick a guy that produces girls they say... I'm like... Ohh sure no problem.... Cause it's totally written in a guys forhead 🙈 Not!! 😂😂

Time to drive back home...



On my way home I always drive by this little harbor that I admire, and always say to myself to stop and I never do.... But today 😀
I totally did and I took a walk and the wiew were spectacular..... So here ya go 🤗

First there is a Goose statue right by the parking lot and I just had to share it.




Almost a little scary look.. Lol


Then I walked a little and just stood at this place looking out at the ocean and this wiew was breathtaking and crazy blue sky and water, almost made my eyes hurt.... Or was it tears that almost fell 🤔 lol




I mean how amazing is that wiew? Made my day and my heart almost stopped 🤗

After a while I kept walking to the other side and that wiew was amazing to and it's just something so magical about the beach and ocean..Right @Tattoodjay? 😉You totally get me






Then my day was complete and my mind and soul thankful and happy..... Next time I drive by I am definitely stopping 😜


Then I finally got home to my little Bobby who always gets so happy, and as I never seen all his toys before he totally shows me his favorites and make noises with them..... 🙉 LOL

loves this toy as he shakes his head it makes weard noises and he loves it, only the bone is a little heavy and to big for his mouth so it's a challenge. But he keeps going... Lol

So me and Bobby hanging together 🐶😊


That was all I had to share today my lovely friends 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you for sharing this with me and I hope you loved it as much as I did ❤️

Be kind to each other and keep a thankful heart, means a Happy 💖

Much Love to ya'll 💗💖💗


designed by @enginewitty

Proud Member of the best family



That's an estrogen filled experience i bet.

Yes you could say that 😉 lol
It was a great baby shower and nice to se the mother to be so happy 😊
My way home made me happy with the beautiful wiew. Have a wonderful evening. Cheers!

Sounds like a wonderful day! And I would so love to walk along the water with you. I miss the ocean, it's been too long since I've seen it. ((hugs))

It really was a fantastic day and to se my brothers wife so touched was the best feeling 😊
Aww... I wish you could walk with me along the water and share the amazing wiew with me 🤗
I hope you get to se the ocean soon it is such beautiful and pieceful place.
But I also love mountains and we have none here so I can wish for that sometimes 😉
Have a wonderful Sunday and I hope you feel better. 🤗 🌊🌊🌊 A little hug ocean for ya!

Very nice party from the looks of it. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. You need to stop posting such amazing pictures I’m getting extremely jealous....🌹

Aww... Thank you so much my friend for the sweet compliment 😊 means a lot to me.
Yes it really was a great party and seing her so touched was the best. So jealous hu? Well that's how I feel about your silver collection 😜 so Awsome! I hope you are having a wonderful evening and stay as you are. Cheers! 🌸🌹🌸

I think photography is a fashion. By photography people can meet up unknown place fill curious to visit the place. Well done @saffisara.

I agree on that 😉 and it's amazing how much a picture can say without words. Thank you so much. Glad you liked it. Happy Monday!

Very good luck, Champion
A picture at the top of quality and beauty I was brilliant

Thank you so much for your kind words 😆
Means a lot. Happy Monday! ate Baby Food? And nobody paid you to do it? That's officially on my slightly not right list (Says the one who used baby formula instead of milk in his cup of tea!)

What a wonderful way to celebrate a new baby, all the decorations are wonderful and a fun game too - I can definitely see you in those Baby pictures - the chubby one with the bald head...they are all chubby with bald heads? Of course - aren't all babies 🤣

The Goose Statue is wonderful - and such an amazing view of the beach with the blue sky and lovely sandy beach as well. You are so lucky to get time to just walk along the sea edge like that whenever you feel like it.

Bobby must have missed you so much, and he is so happy to see you brining his squeaky toy to remind you about him.

Wonderful pictures, I really enjoyed this one thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Yes I did and it's not like I've never tasted before having nephews and all... Lol
But ya this time we should get paid 😁 not the best ones I must say.
Yes I remember that picture of you pooring milk from a baby🍼bottle in to your coffe ☕ 😂

The baby shower was a great idea and so beautiful decorated and much well deserved gifts that I know they will have great use for.
It's new here as babyshower isn't something we do here but as always things comes from USA that just gets copied here too 😉 but this one I like.

The stop at the harbor was the highlight and the wiew made my day and made wonders for my soul 😊 happy happy happy...Bubbly feeling 🤗
Ya the goose looked funny and cool so I had to take some pictures of him.

Bobby and I are today having a freeday and lazy not-doing-more-than-nessassary-day 😉 lol


He just snuggles and barley lifts his head... I'm sleepy mommy..... Lol

Thank you for your sweet comment my friend and I'm so glad you liked it, means a lot.
Many 🤗🤗❤️🤗🤗 from #teamhug

You have been defended with a 70.59% upvote!
I was summoned by @c0ff33a.

Beautiful pictures. I like the motif of the baby shower it is so cool and nice in the eyes

Thank you so much my friend. Yes I like it to and a great thing for the mother to be 😉
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers!

I love the blue sky, the diaper bike for the babe, the statue and the tour. Post more pics when you stop by.

BTW, about the baby food eating, my weird mind wondered:

If Coconut Oil comes from Coconuts, where do baby food come from? 👅.

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