Smiling Scary Face

in #photography6 years ago

Smiling Scary Face
I was walking in my backyard, when I bumped into this green Grasshopper!! Below you can see the grasshopper in full, as you can see it is quite a large one. The photo above is a closeup photo of its face, As you can see it looks as if it is smiling and also if it forgot to shave in the morning, it must be because it is weekend!! I never new Grasshoppers were so hairy!!
Below is the side view of this little fellow. It almost look waxy in appearance!! A green blue eyed wonder!!
And just look at those spikes on the hind legs!! I am sure this is great protection against unwelcome predators!!
The photo below, just shows where the spikes fit onto the hind leg!!
This Grasshopper is actually a colorful creature, just look at the colorful red and black wings!!
The photo below is unfortunately a bit blurry, as the Grasshopper tried to flee away from me, must be a bit camera shy and did not like all the attention. You can however see the setup of the wings quite nicely!!
Below is just one last photo of the happy, though scary face of the Grasshopper!!

I enjoyed photographing this one, more than he enjoyed being photographed.

I took these photos with my iPhone, in Pretoria @ my home, in the Gauteng Province of South Africa.

I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I did taking it.


great photography

Thank you.

yup he is smiling rynow 😂 and saying thanks for taking his photo lol

Beautiful yet scary, I didn't know they look like this when close up =)

scary for me too

Awesome photography

Really you have the chance to capture this insect...So lovely...thanks for sharing your great moment..

Yes, it was by accident, but it came out nicely!!

What a great grasshopper, we have them a little and much prettier. Is it a locust? :0

Thanks for the comment, you can read about the difference between
Grasshopper / Locust on the link, I am not sure which is which, in South Africa we only have one name for both in my language, Afrikaans.

Oh yeah, excellent photos and close-up of this grasshopper have been especially successful! Thank you @rynow

Thank you.


sorry but that is ugly to me.. 😞

Overall superb clicks!!

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Hello @rynow,

Extraordinary good photography of this bug. Incredible captures.


Thank you very much.

Perfect capture of Smiling Scary Face.........enjoying........

Thank you.

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