Tokyo Sushi Breakfast with Shrimp Ice Cream

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Photoblog by @runrudy

People helped me out when I first started here in Steemit. This place is so new and different. It is difficult to find your way around at first.

I believe in Karma and paying it forward.

I am still new here myself, but I feel that it is right to help and welcome another when given the chance.

If you have time, please check out @ashlynncrow

She is a actor, stunt woman, model, creative writer, artist.....

Her first posts are very funny, honest and engaging. I see very interesting stories coming from @ashlynncrow in the near future.

We need more unique and diverse people like her to grow this Steemit Community. Please welcome her when you have a chance.

To learn more about her, here is her intro post that we all seemed to miss:

Alrighty then, Sushi Breakfast!


Ever had sushi for breakfast before? I have been lucky enough to do it twice and only in Japan.

It was at the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo. Tsukiji is the world's largest fish market. The best and high end sushi restaurants in the world get their fish shipped directly from the Tsukiji market.

If you are ever visiting Tokyo, it is something that cannot be missed. If you don't like sushi, it still is a very unique and fun place to visit.

This is a major tourist spot so you have to start the day pretty early to beat the crowds.

If you wake up early enough, like at 3am early enough, you can actually watch a live tuna auction. We've never done that but I have heard it is pretty interesting to see.

Our hotel was near Ikebukuro Station so it was about a 30 minute train ride and walk to the market.

There were plenty of restaurants to visit. All the Yelp reviews were promising so we just popped into the one with the shortest line.

These restaurants are typical Japanese size. Meaning, very small. This one only seated around 20 people.


I ordered 'omakase'. Which in Japanese means Chef's choice. I trusted him to serve me up anything he thought would be the best of the day.

Out of respect and politeness for the chefs and other guests at the restaurant, I didn't take any more photo's inside. I never want to be that annoying American, photographing every last detail. I am not a food photographer and I was there to enjoy a meal, not to document it. Sometimes the camera gets in the way of the experience. You have to know when to put the camera down and embrace being in the moment.

Just imagine, eating the freshest and highest grade sushi in the world sprinkled with unicorn magic. It melts in your mouth and then ruins you for any sushi in the near future.

The real kicker is that the meal is very affordable. My portion alone was about $30 USD. I've never been to a super fancy sushi restaurant like Nobu in New York City but for $30, ocean to plate. No other place in the world can beat that.

How to end (or ruin) such a wonderful breakfast? Shrimp ice cream of course.

I saw the shrimp ice cream cart, bee-lined straight over and pulled a handful of yen out of my pockets.

Did I like it? Of course, I liked it! When in Tokyo, Rudy will eat anything.

Now, sushi and shrimp ice cream are not the only things you can do at the Tsukiji fish market. Just walking around the market itself, you can see some of the most amazing things and interesting people.

Next, post I will continue our adventure in the Tsukiji Market.

Update - The Tsukiji market has been at that location since 1935 but he 2020 Olympics are coming to Japan. The government has planned to move the Tsukiji market across the bay in 2016. It still seems pretty vague on what will happen to all of these restaurants and the market as a whole. If you are planning on traveling this year, do your research and make sure you plan ahead. We anticipate going back to Tokyo for the Olympics. We hope the market is up and running again by then.

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Please welcome @ashlynncrow #karma #payitforward

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All images © 2016 Rudy Gonzales. All rights reserved.


Great job helping out others.

I tried but you know. I'm still a minnow myself. I think she's got quality content. Someone to look out for.

Nice!!! I went to Yokohama and Tokyo in the early 90s for a business trip to Panasonic. Salad for breakfast and I ate lots of cooked eel in the Panasonic cafeteria. I also remember that it was uncommon to find any bread in the restaurants. I liked the life-like plastic food mockups outside the restaurants.

Unagi! One of my favorites. Yeah, the plastic renditions are hilarious.

I always want to eat local food when I go anywhere. I have no interest in chains. Never got the guys who wanted to go to McDonalds as soon as we pulled into port when I was in the military. I would have tried the Shrimp Ice Cream too.

The shrimp ice cream was delicious for the first three minutes. Then the novelty started to wear off. Still worth a fun try for the story.

Shrimp ice cream!! So interesting! I wonder what taste it is!❤️❤️❤️

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