Introducing ME!

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellow Steemers!

I'll mainly be using this site to post teen fiction books I wrote and some random blogs here or there. This first post will be a little introduction to me for those of you who want to know.  So lets get to it!
Before I found an interest in writing I was an artist.

I've been commissioned to do several pieces, but most of the things I paint are for myself or friends. The Hulk, for example, was a large art piece that I put up in my very first apartment that had mainly steampunk decor. 

I've been obsessed with the steampunk culture for years, and I would frequent this tiny shop called "Steampunk Cafe." I was there so often that the owner came up to me one day and asked if I could model for him. Now I am a part of his Cafe forever as a piece of art. You can visit and see me hanging on the walls, or even buy your own coffee bag with my face on it. 

It wasn't long until I was asked to be in a graphic novel called "Time of the Faeries." I went to my first WonderCon where I got to dress up as a post-apocalyptic fairy and sign prints of myself for anyone who bought one. 

After that, I had the pleasure of doing some shoots with a talented photographer who only used water and lights to get the effects he wanted, which I found to be very creative and totally awesome... until I had to sit in a freezing cold tank with rain and wind pouring on me for hours. It was hard to keep the smile on and to keep from shivering. I think I ruined the man's shot more than once from shaking so bad.

Between part-time modeling, I also did Stunts for kids. I've been blown up, burned, hit by cars, eaten by sharks, hung off the back of moving vehicles, punched, and pushed down flights of stairs. Doing stunts is incredible work if you can get it. 

My first stunt job was being Jake T. Austins photo/stunt double on his film "Hotel For Dogs." 

Top left is a picture of me and the other double goofing off together while we waited for our scenes. I actually got second-degree burns on that show and a wicked looking butt bruise from a dangerous fall, and they ended up cutting the stunt from the film entirely. 

Doing stunts led me into a brief world of acting where I got to perform with Laurence Fishburn, Rachael Leah, the boys from Workaholics, and the cast of Silicon Valley. 

But now I mainly want to write. I'm trying to improve myself every day, but the nerd girl 13-year old that lives inside me won't allow me to write anything other that teen fiction. You know the kind I'm talking about: Vampire, Werewolf, hip-thrusting, bodice-ripping teenaged angst type page turners. 

Other things to know about me? Well, I love a good D&D adventure, I'm the first year Skitty-Kitts Champion, and I feel theirs nothing better than cruising around on a motorcycle with the breeze against your skin and nothing strapping you down. It's complete and utter freedom. 

Thanks to all who read this post! Be sure to drop by again soon. ^_^


I don't understand the low votes either. I've re blogged your intro so my followers can meet you...(Now you guys play nice. )

how this very good post got so low upvotes? wtf??? Let's try to change this situation)

Aww, thank you for the kind comment and for the vote! :)

Great post! Can't wait to read more of your stories!

Very beautiful post! Why are there so few upvotes?
I love steampunk and I'm doing a project in this style. It's a game. I'm looking for an artist for this project. Wouldn't want to discuss it? You can email me [email protected] if you're interested.

Hey @ashlynncrow Thanks for sharing about yourself. Welcome. I really like your artwork. I found this late but still I upvoted and promoted your post. Silicon Valley one of my favorite shows. Welcome again.

You also can use this site to track your post progress
Looking forward to reading your teen stories.

Thanks @runrudy. :)
Working on Silicon was a very pleasant experience. Kumail Nanjiani was so hilarious that takes were being ruined because too many people were laughing at the things he was saying. Fun day.

That is super cool. What an experience. I am also new on Steemit, two weeks. Actually everyone is kinda new in the big scheme of things. Most people are pretty nice. Things hit or miss around here. So don't feel bad if a post didn't go viral. I am still learning also and trying to find others that will actually help the community. Your background and stories, I think would do well here.

Thank you. ^_^
I'm very exited to be apart of this new community of creatives and I appreciate the support my friend.

Nice meeting u.

Oh nice meeting you! :)

Welcome aboard! We're getting some celebs on board eh? hehe! That's a great profile you've got there and I'm looking forward to seeing some great stuff from you in the future! Cheers!

Nowhere near the celeb category, I just worked with a few of them ;)
But Thanks for the warm welcome!!!

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