The Griswold Family Vacation continues... Clouds, Corn Fields, and a Nebraska Sunrise

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Photoblog by @runrudy

Made in America

One day we woke up early and we hit the road before sunrise. Along the way, I pulled off the freeway several times to take these images. I had to stop because the clouds and light rays were just pouring out of the morning sky. Three different stops and I parked on dirt roads next to these people's farms. The sky was changing every minute as the sun continued to rise and the clouds moved with the cool breeze.

Nebraska is so flat, it is all skies. It made for a glorious sunrise.

Clouds and Corn Fields

Corn Fields and Clouds

Top images all taken with Sony A7RM2 and 16-35mm

My trick for anyone on their next road trip. If you want a better composition, jumping up on top of your car = Insta-upgraded perspective.

It must have looked crazy for anyone seeing a guy standing on top of his car, taking a photo, at 6 am in the morning.

Just like Clark, I have no shame in my game. It's all about the memories.

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All images © 2016 Rudy Gonzales. All rights reserved.

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Wow amazing skies:)

Also I used to love watching those National Lampoon Movies.

It was a crazy morning, sunrise, clouds and soft light. Wife didn't like stopping so many times during the drive but I just showed her the finished pictures today and she said, "That's nice." What, nice! That's it! Geez, I can never win.

They are nice ;)

Wow those are some awesome shots!
Where I live we are surrounded by hills, so you don't get those big vistas.
We do however get some cool mountains.
I'm looking forward to seeing more from your vacation. ;-)

Hey there Thanks, I am glad you liked them. Looking forward to sharing photos with you also. Welcome to Steemit!

Amazing photos my friend, I love these!!

Hey @daveks. Jump on that Sony train with me : ) have a great weekend!

Soon..have a good one!

Beautiful photos!!

Hey thanks @birdie. I am happy to share. Have a great weekend.

Excellent work! Amazing views

Thanks alot @boddhisattva. Cheers.

breathtaking vistas.

Hey there @mrlightning, thanks for the nice comment!

Nice photos, my favorite is the third shot! Nice tip too, I'll have to try that next time, cheers :')

Hey @shieha, thank you. I'm glad you said that, I like the third one best also. I wanted to end strong : ) I've climbed on top of that car so many times there are two small dents on the roof. It's all good. The things we sacrifice as photographers.

am a freaking huge fan of sunset and sunstreaks in pictures
and they're tough to get - more so that extended straight horizon.
I admire you're stepping out of the comfort zone - going up the car taking a shot.
While many would possibly laugh when one photographer crouches, lies face first on the ground or climb up a tree to get a good shot of his subject - another photographer takes off their hats to salute such dedication.
Kudos man ;)

Nice. Thank you for the awesome note and feedback @englishtchrivy. Have a great weekend. Cheers!

Stunning photos - thank you for sharing! We discussed your post in this week's Steemit Talk Podcast. Safe Travels!

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