Our Great Festival Durga Puja - Series Photography [Maha Saptami] #05

in #photography8 years ago

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“Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shanti rupena samsthita,
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah”

Durga Puja is our great festival. We celebrate every year in the month of October. It refers to all the five days observed as Shashthi, Maha Saptami, Maha Ashtami, Maha Nabami & Bijaya Dashami. In these days our city Kolkata wears glamorous attire & illumination . I framed some moments on my camera –

PART #05 [Maha Saptami]

See also : PART #01 [Shashthi], PART #02 [Shashthi] , PART #03 [Maha Saptami], PART #04 [Maha Saptami]

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[To be continued …]

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awesome moments framed by you. thanks :)

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