
I have one very bad knee . i only run for safety . ;-) . Its not that i want always a reaction to a comment, please no . But this i could not let pass . I hop you can understand . consider yourself followed again , by a small but mean power .

Oh, I totally understand!!!!

It takes me a while to get back to the comments, especially as I'm trying to live real life too, but I'll eventually get back to them all! I would never be so rude!

Compliments on your photo's , give me a bit of the feeling from where i originate , Just across the Noth sea . And while i write this , wild Greece jackhals howl not far from me . And for a morning walk in the sun , i can sleep late , as the mountain where i am on , blocks it until 9:00 .
If you ever can , visit Greece with a van , spring is so full of color and plantlife . Just amazing how things shoot up and grow . While yellow flowers shine on every inch .

Oh, I so wish we could drive there NOW! That was always the plan, but we're not allowed to leave the UK. You make it sound so poetic!

Then i advice to NOT check out my Hive posts i did today . It will only make you wanna go more . Putting you at risk of violating lockdown and shut border laws .

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