in #photography5 years ago (edited)


Author: @r2cornell


I was going through my rose folder and found this one was not coded so the photograph was not used before. I love the rose buds accompanying the main rose. I think it makes a wonderful photograph to start with.

Estaba revisando mi carpeta de rosas y descubrí que ésta no estaba codificada, por lo que la fotografía no se había utilizado antes. Me encantan los capullos de rosa que acompañan a la rosa principal. Creo que es una fotografía maravillosa para empezar.

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I am slow in moving forward with this publication this week. I usually try and have it finished early so I can work on the curation report for our Discord Community. But this week I have been having difficulty finding what to offer in this section.

I was feeling sad last weekend due to the down-votes I received both in this account and @dsc-r2cornell. Then I see than many others are experiencing it as well. A couple of days ago I would have been ranting and raving over it, and even considering leaving the platform. Instead I am looking for solutions on how to approach it. I am still mentally processing it and have not come to a final conclusion yet. One thing I know is I am not going anywhere, nor should any of you.

One of my solutions is to up-vote a publication that I see has been down-voted, I make sure my vote is higher that the down-vote. Some are easy because their down-vote is zero. There are others that are creating accounts and accumulating delegations and they will use the account for up-voting such publication like I have been.

I believe in my hearts-of-hearts that I need to continue doing what I am doing with my weekend post here, and the curation report for our Discord community. In my personal belief system I hold that whatever one puts our toward others will come back to them 3-fold. In other words "do onto others as you would have them do onto you". I do believe there is certain laws of the universe such as the law of "cause and effect". None of this can be changed. We need to keep this in mind as we conduct ourselves in our lives. We all need to come together as a community and move forward.

On that note I believe it is time to share some photographs, because as I do it lightens my mood.

Estoy tardando en seguir adelante con esta publicación esta semana. Por lo general trato de terminarlo temprano para poder trabajar en el informe de curaduría para nuestra comunidad de Discordia. Pero esta semana he estado teniendo dificultades para encontrar lo que ofrecer en esta sección.

Me sentí triste el fin de semana pasado debido a los votos negativos que recibí tanto en esta cuenta como en @dsc-r2cornell. Entonces veo que muchos otros también lo están experimentando. Hace un par de días habría estado despotricando y despotricando sobre ello, e incluso considerando dejar la plataforma. En cambio, estoy buscando soluciones sobre cómo abordarlo. Todavía lo estoy procesando mentalmente y aún no he llegado a una conclusión final. Una cosa que sé es que no voy a ir a ninguna parte, ni debería hacerlo ninguno de ustedes.

Una de mis soluciones es votar a favor de una publicación que veo que ha sido rechazada, me aseguro de que mi voto sea mayor que el voto en contra. Algunos son fáciles porque su voto a la baja es cero. Hay otros que están creando cuentas y acumulando delegaciones y utilizarán la cuenta para votar a favor de dicha publicación como yo lo he hecho.

Creo en mi corazón que necesito seguir haciendo lo que estoy haciendo con mi post de fin de semana aquí, y el informe de curaduría para nuestra comunidad de Discordia. En mi sistema de creencias personal sostengo que todo lo que uno pone en favor de los demás volverá a ellos por tres veces. En otras palabras, "haz a los demás lo que quieres que te hagan a ti". Creo que hay ciertas leyes del universo como la ley de "causa y efecto". Nada de esto puede cambiarse. Necesitamos tener esto en mente mientras nos comportamos en nuestras vidas. Todos tenemos que unirnos como comunidad y seguir adelante.

En ese sentido, creo que es hora de compartir algunas fotografías, porque al hacerlo, mi estado de ánimo se ilumina.

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I believe we can take sky photographs everyday and find beauty that surrounds our planet Earth. This photo is of no exception:

Creo que podemos tomar fotografías del cielo todos los días y encontrar la belleza que rodea nuestro planeta Tierra. Esta foto no es una excepción:


This next photograph I selected because it is a fruit bloom from this past Spring. It almost made number one spot until I found the pink rose photo. Spring blooms are great because they bring hope as we transition from Winter to Spring, and then to Summer. Hope for better days ahead and and eventually something wonderful comes to fruition.

Esta siguiente fotografía la seleccioné porque es una flor de fruta de la pasada primavera. Casi hizo el lugar número uno hasta que encontré la foto de la rosa rosa. Las flores de la primavera son grandes porque traen esperanza a medida que hacemos la transición del invierno a la primavera, y luego al verano. Esperanza para días mejores por delante y eventualmente algo maravilloso llega a buen término.


This next photograph is of a Dahlia. It was taken with an older digital camera, yet the beauty comes though nicely. It can touch us deep within ourselves and overcome negativity:

La siguiente fotografía es de una dalia. Fue tomada con una cámara digital más antigua, sin embargo, la belleza viene a pesar de todo muy bien. Puede tocarnos profundamente dentro de nosotros mismos y superar la negatividad:

2006-09-06 09.37.48_S.jpg

Here is a photo of my indoor Geranium where many buds are ready to open with a promise of their beautiful color. There are aspects of our lives that are in bud form. let us nurture those buds to their greatest potential.

Aquí hay una foto de mi Geranio de interior donde muchos cogollos están listos para abrirse con la promesa de su hermoso color. Hay aspectos de nuestras vidas que están en forma de brotes. nutramos esos brotes hasta su mayor potencial.


Now where would my publication be with out closing out with a wildlife photograph? If you do not recognize these deer from previous publication, the two small ones are the twins who lost their mother. The larger one is their sister born last year. As the young ones grew up the mother let the older sibling join them. What is fascinating is that she seems to be looking out for them. I feel more confident that the twins will survive the winter with their sister with them. Animals can be very amazing sometimes. Maybe there is a lesson her for some humans.

Ahora, ¿dónde estaría mi publicación sin cerrar con una fotografía de vida silvestre? Si no se reconocen estos ciervos de publicaciones anteriores, los dos pequeños son los gemelos que perdieron a su madre. La mayor es su hermana nacida el año pasado. A medida que los más pequeños crecían, la madre dejaba que la hermana mayor se uniera a ellos. Lo que es fascinante es que ella parece estar cuidando de ellos. Me siento más seguro de que los gemelos sobrevivirán el invierno con su hermana con ellos. Los animales pueden ser muy asombrosos a veces. Tal vez haya una lección para algunos humanos.


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This brings us to a close for this weekend's publication. I took extra effort in choosing photos and in choosing my words carefully. I want this to project a sense of optimism and positive outlook. There is so much negativity with the low prices and now prolific down-votes that it is too easy to overlook the many positive aspects of Steemit and the Tribal platforms.

It is regrettable to see people give up and walk away. As I stated above I entertained that idea. But, I do not give up that easily. We must work together as a community that were are, and move forward with visions of better days ahead. It can be hard to do but not impossible.

Previously I used the word NAMASTE when I ended my weekly publication. When I first came across this word I read that it was a a Sanskrit word and I took the meaning as "The Divine in me Honors the Divine in you!" I did not see it as from a specific religion, but in stead a Spiritual statement that should cross all religious and non religious boundaries.

On that note I will close...


Esto nos lleva a un cierre para la publicación de este fin de semana. Me esforcé más en elegir las fotos y en elegir mis palabras con cuidado. Quiero que esto proyecte un sentido de optimismo y una perspectiva positiva. Hay tanta negatividad con los bajos precios y ahora prolíficos down-votes que es demasiado fácil pasar por alto los muchos aspectos positivos de Steemit y las plataformas Tribales.

Es lamentable ver a la gente darse por vencida y marcharse. Como he dicho antes, he tenido en cuenta esa idea. Pero, no me rindo tan fácilmente. Debemos trabajar juntos como una comunidad que lo es, y avanzar con visiones de mejores días por delante. Puede ser difícil de hacer, pero no imposible.

Anteriormente usaba la palabra NAMASTE cuando terminaba mi publicación semanal. Cuando me encontré por primera vez con esta palabra leí que era una palabra sánscrita y tomé el significado como "La Divinidad en mí honra a la Divinidad en ti!" Yo no la vi como de una religión específica, sino como una declaración Espiritual que debería cruzar todas las fronteras religiosas y no religiosas.

Con esto concluyo....


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Great post grandpa. Beautiful photographs and nice words.

Thank you hon.

A beautiful article, well written bilingually. You have a natural talent and that shows in both your writing ability and in your photo selection.

I want to personally thank you for your help in the SBI downvoting saga. Your various comments have helped me settle. That guy from Poland really got to me, until I realised that was his intention: to divide and conquer!

We're now at the festive season, a time to be spent with family and friends. Let's put the past behind us and tug-'o-war together, firmly anchored by our resolve to succeed and overcome all obstacles.

Thank you @ianballantine. Glad my comments helped...It was a very discouraging time for many, including myself. I believe it brought many members together, so the actions of one, albiet negative, may have been a catalyst to strengthen communities.

Hola señor @r2cornell. Que bonitas son las rosas que usted tiene. Su jardín debe ser hermoso.
Extrañaba los ciervos en su publicación. Que bonito verlos a ellos juntos.

Gracias . Seguiré tratando de tener fotos de vida silvestre. Necesito volver al bosque y cambiar todas mis cámaras a fotos. Los he tenido mayormente en videos. Esperemos que nuestra nieve no se haga demasiado profunda este invierno, así que puedo seguir saliendo a recoger fotos y dejar algo de alimento para los ciervos.

Hi @r2cornell , When reading your post, my approach goes to negative feedback.
I am a woman who thinks that every effort deserves a reward, I do not like to give negative votes, and I had to do it, but not for a post, if I do not like something I follow and nothing more, but in this panel it has become the constant , fatal detail.
The price is a matter of patience and perseverance, the really important thing for me is to share ideas, look at content, analyze, but it is frustrating to have to do what I do not like, but if I am attacked, I simply defend myself, giving negative votes, nothing convenient .
I apologize for my extensive response, but I had to let off steam.
His post is cute, full of beautiful pictures.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. No need to apologize for your response. I agree there is a place for a down-vote. My intent was to hopefully move some people from a place of fear and anger to a better place.

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/3 - need recharge?)

Thank you very much.

@r2cornell, What we think that's matter the most because we are walking our Individual Journey. But for most of us one aspect is motivation and that is, Beauty Of Nature. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Welcome and thank you.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

I love the flowers. I think many people feel the same way. When I see your posts, it puts smile on my face.

Crypto price is low and some people are not motivated to post consistently. There are ups and downs in everything. It is not a straight line. But the technology behind cryptocurrency - blockchain, it will have a huge impact on our life in the future. Thank you @r2cornell for sharing this.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I think this is the time to develop our blogging skills and seek ways to build our presence for the time things improve.

Hi @ r2cornell, I really enjoyed your flower photos. In my opinion it's very extraordinary. Downvotes for no apparent reason really disturb the activities of this ecosystem. I am also concerned about that. Have a nice day, sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Saludos @r2cornell que tenga un excelente fin de semana tanto usted como su familia y siempre mostrando en sus publicaciones esas excelentes otografias con bellas flores para alegrarnos el momento

Muchísimas gracias. Se lo agradezco. Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

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