My Tiny Planets #15: Museumsquare, Amsterdam

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I am standing here on the Museumsquare in Amsterdam, just between the Van Gogh museum (northeast) and the Stedelijk (Municipal) Museum (southwest). Not everyone in Amsterdam is that excited about the architecture of the Stedelijk museum, which is referred to as "the bathtub". From this direction, you are looking underneath the edges of the tub.
But I do actually like it. It is fitting to the modern art collection that the museum holds and is super pragmatic for the Dutch weather. The edges are a great roof in case of rain. It totally fits the modern road that the area took. And just don't forget. They actually have a very nice (lunch)restaurant on the ground floor!

My blog about the camera that I use: Samsung Gear 360


Hi @r00sj3, what equipment are you using to capture these? They are so cool! The warped tall buildings make it look less like an actual "planet", but I bet one of these would look really believable in a relatively flat area.

I am using the Samsung Gear 360 camera on top of a selfie stick. This helps with the bird-eye view. I don't aim at making them look like actual planets, because they look pretty boring ;)


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